Hello! This is the first time I have joined a support group and just wanted to say hello.
I am in the middle of changing my anti-depressants and things are not going so well. I could talk to my family but all I end up doing is crying so I thought maybe just typing it all out to people who know what I am going through may be a better way to go. I have been on Zoloft for many years and they have been ok for keeping me going each day but I finally decided that just being alive wasn't enough, I want to be happy. After spending 3 1/2 weeks cycling down from the Zoloft which sure wasn't any fun I finally started on another anti-depressant called Mirtazapine. I should have taken the tablet at night as it knocked me out and I spent the next few hours sleeping. I now know why it is also used for insomnia.
I am a carer for my daughter who has ASD which certainly doesn't help when going through all this. She is 32 yrs old and is pretty good for the most part but I am feeling so guilty at the moment as I am not the easiest person to get along with while going through all the current withdrawals etc. My mood swings are not fair on her and that makes me feel even worse than I already do.
Anyone else had problems with vertigo while cycling down off Zoloft or any anti-depressants? My world is in constant spinning motion at the moment matter what I am doing. Walking from A to B is quite a challenge as I can't walk a straight line. It is very disconcerting and extremely frustrating.
Anyway I guess that is my introduction to the wonderful world of depression. Thanks for listening and hugs to everyone who needs one.