Called grandma because I was anxious about going home and i was feeling sick and wondered whether it's Anxiety or i might infect mom and sis. Grandma just started complaining about how she's gonna die, how bad she feels, how much work she did, what chores she did... Just like mom. These two can tell you they took out the trash thousand times as if they killed a dragon. And explain in heavy detail how much pain they're through. Which first makes me worried about them. And second, as my therapist told me but gave me no coping as always and im just stuck with this insight how toxic their behaviour is without a way to explain it to them or cope myself just stay there fully aware of how f*cked i am, i learn this behaviour. I'm sorry that I'm always complaining. I lost all my friends of always complaining. I'm in my 20s and i have nobody to go out with because of this. And im mad at mom and grandma for teaching me that the only way to bond with people is true pain. Another thing my therapist gave me killing awareness on is i can't bond without pain. All i know is pain. If it's not physical(i was always sick as a child) then mental. And on top of it i tried to put boundaries and say i don't want to listen to how tired she is and she said "then i better not talk to you at all". Just like my mom says. I try to put boundaries and get blackmailed. I'm the bad guy for acknowledging how they're turning me into a psychopath. And in this terms therapy is making it worse because it gives me self-awareness on their bs that's my bs now. And another thing - she said "i tell you because i want you to know THERE'S WORSE". It could be worse. The worst thing to say. She thinks that because im in my 20s im immortal. Do i have to jump like my situationship for my family to understand that it is worse? Meanwhile even he blocked me for being too crazy. Litterary a guy who runs into the forest like Forest Gump tells me im too crazy for him. Well, grandma, hope you like my nephew, cause you won't see grandchildren from me. (Not as if i planned to stay alive till im healed enough to take care of other being. Plus i have gender dysphoria thank you mom and dad and now i refer to myself as weasel like i did when i was 4years old, surprisingly i spoke English at 4. I also refered to myself as glonk but i was encouraged to deliete it as my username. Sadly for an absolutely ruined person i had brains). If mom wants a glass of water (because she's too drunk to get it) - she's gonna start telling you for the milionth time how terrible her job is and how sick she is. Instead of saying please or f*ck please, just ask for it like a normal person.
If i manage to get through my exam(which is in one month and I can't study a word) and manage to rank for a major then manage to rank for a PhD imm gonna write how most mental illness associated with depression and anxiety is actually invisible trauma and invisible abuse. Because yes they're not hitting me but they taught me that i must suffer. And no matter how much therapy i do, im wired to suffer. And everyone leaves me. As Halsey says "I would leave me too, if i could". I just want to give up. I'm screwed. I just want to end this game. I lost. Why am i still playing? How do i get rid of this character?