I feel like I'm drowning in anxiety/d... - Anxiety and Depre...

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I feel like I'm drowning in anxiety/depression/stress, and and no one is listening. What can I do?

LifeisLikeGarden profile image

I lost my job for being a whistleblower, and am super stressed about money. I'm also stressed about my dog refusing food, water, and to go to the bathroom. I took him to the vet and they said his white blood cell count was so low they generally see it in dying pets, but they said he didn't appear to be dying currently - they're doing additional testing, but sent him home with me.

I call my mom to talk and she either doesn't answer the phone or cuts me off early.

I'm only allowed over to their house 3 days a week and it's horrible for me - otherwise, my dad loses it and my mom begs me to stay away for a while. Especially during times like this when I've been crying all day, stressed out of my mind with anxiety and depression and she cuts me off during a phone call, etc. when I really need help.

I've tried telling her I'm depressed, anxious for months now. She expresses concern, but she doesn't really help. My counselor/psychiatrist and I all agree that mental health units worsen my trauma. But when I've been like this in the past, I've had my mom stay with me 24/7 to keep an eye on me. She can't, though, or my dad will throw a fit.

I feel like I've expressed my need for help to multiple people, not just my mother, counselor and psychiatrist. I'm depressed and beyond stressed. I'm drowning in stress and anxiety and these thoughts.

I'd go to a mental health unit, but again they just traumatize me further, I don't want to leave my dog when he could possibly die without me here and I need to continue to look for jobs to pay my bills.

What do you do when no one listens to you? Where do you go, what do you do? I feel I've run out of people to reach out to and I doubt I'll get any sleep (again) tonight, watching over my dog instead and having my thoughts run wild. How do you deal with stress in a healthy, productive way? What do you do for your anxiety? I've exhausted my anxiety relievers - medication, essential oil, hot chocolate, exercise, reaching out to friends/family, distractions, etc. I'm just lost.

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7 Replies

I feel very similar. I am not sure either. I've watched so many videos about meditation and not running away from the suffering and stress and just sitting with it but it doesn't make me feel productive and I'm super needy. But to fulfill my needs I would have to emotionally detach from my family. Everything is so icky and hard. If I were you I would listen to thich nhat hanh maybe he could help soothe you for the moment. But the rest is on you. I'm here if you need an ear and I know vice versa. All the best to you.

LifeisLikeGarden profile image
LifeisLikeGarden in reply to

Thank you. Meditation videos can help in the moment - the hypnotism, but it eventually comes back (sometimes mere minutes later). I appreciate the advice. I'll try - I'll do just about anything for relief right now. I'm here if you ever need an ear as well. Thanks again.

in reply to LifeisLikeGarden

Question for the both of us in our own unique way, what are we seeking relief from? I'll sit with this tonight and if I comr up with anything which I prolly won't I'll repost.

LifeisLikeGarden profile image
LifeisLikeGarden in reply to

for me, stress, anxiety and depression. But I don’t know how. Good luck to you.

Well looks like we are both in trouble then lmao jk. I'm giving myself some more time and then I might try doing things I haven't done up to now like dating apps of the same gender or idk. I would like to be a little more mentally stable so that I don't mess another person up.

Blue_81 profile image

I feel the same way. Unfortunately most people wont understand what you are going through. Most will say just change the way you think. Yes,, I try but it doesn’t work. How can we get help since the traditional solutions dont work. For me walking helps out alot. Writing here also helps. Once in a while I meet someone and we have a good conversation which makes me forget about my issues. Wish I was more of help. Take care.

animalluver profile image

Yes like you I feel completely alone. I have not totally opened up to my family about everything that is going on, fearing that I will be ostracized or just dismissed. I wait until I am alone and just cry because that is the only way to release what is bottled up inside and I can be myself. I have also downloaded the "Calm" app which has some good coping exercises

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