I have only been a member here for about 4 or 5 months. Never really connected with anyone because, as most sites, it's about cliques and favoritism. Please.... don't comment on this opinion. I'm trying to make a point. I'm nearly 54 years old and have been a member of many, many, many health websites. It's always the same.... you post a comment and most people don't respond. Then you go into your room and catch feelings. Or you become part of a group that you believe really cares for you and you really belong,,, until you find that you really don't.
Anyway, there are very, very rare occasions when you connect with a friend who you really share common interests or feelings. This, my friends, is a very rare and uncommon phenomenon. In all my years of searching online for a true and honest connection I can say that it's only happened 2 or 3 times. Not a good percentage.
But there are times when you find a friend who truly understands your pain. An online buddy who you connect with. So it's not always a misconnect. There are times when you really meet someone who understands and relates to what, and how, you feel. I know I sound a bit hypercritical but I know it's possible to find a good friend online. Albeit difficult and uncommon. I've found folks that were absolutely nuts and I've found folks that were some of the best people I could find.
My point....... never judge