I don't know what's wrong with me. It's been like this for a while now. Whenever i try to close my eyes, i feel intense fear and an urge to open my eyes and search around. I'm constantly convcinced someone's looking at me, waiting. I'm afraid of sleeping. Whenever i feel myself falling asleep, i open my eyes again. I swear i can feel someone's eyes burning into my neck, it's petrifying. It has come to a point where i literally can't fall asleep unless im in a position that restraints me from looking around. I've tried to tell my psychiatrist about this, but i don't think she's taking me seriously. It's all too much, i need to know what's wrong with me. Is this normal? Why am i like this?
I'm scared of closing my eyes. I can'... - Anxiety and Depre...
I'm scared of closing my eyes. I can't sleep.

I recommend saying a prayer if u don't believe n that stuff maybe you should
I've tried so many times it's almost insane. I used to be quite the religious kid, but i soon realized that if there truly is a God, it hates me.
Could be a mix of having anxiety with other fears you have subconciously and it’s triggered this thing for you. And the problem is our mind wired and re wires based in experience so the more of these repetitive experience it is being wired to be more afraid and intensify. Trying doing a sit before you sleep just saying good affirmations and positive omens then listen to something in your headphones, music you like or a book on audible reading affirmation or prayer. Lifting you up in good things.
Do you have ptsd? It kinda sounds like it... I'm sorry that you're struggling so much to find rest. A powerful form of meditation is called yoga nidra. You do it in bed, it means between asleep and awake. I like Ally Boothroyd's voice as I find it soothing. She has many vids on YouTube, some up to 2 hours long. I've never made it through even an hour long one without falling asleep... I'm sorry that you psych doesn't seem to listen to this issue... Maybe it's time to start doc shopping for someone more empathetic. I know it's hard to find someone good, but sometimes it takes a few tries before there's a good fit....
Anxiety comes in different forms. Affirm to yourself that everything is alright. I've experienced a lot and know exactly what you are talking about but it will pass too.
I am sorry to read about your inability to sleep. Sleep is essential to your physical and mental health.
I can offer a few ideas based on my own experience. These may or may not work for you. First, getting in a calm state of mind before going to bed. Avoid any screen time on your phone, tablet, laptop, etc. within one hour of going to bed.
I find it helpful to do a guided meditation (using my phone but not looking at it after I find the meditation video). Using headphones it best. It should include deep breathing and and clearing away our anxiety, anger, pain and other negative energy from your body and mind. There are many online that can play while you get to sleep. There are many out there to chose from and finding what is soothing for you is most important. Here are a few I like:
Seated Meditation before sleep: "White Light of Protection"
There are many more meditation videos you can try, until you find what works for you.
Lastly, you may need a sleep aid, such as melatonin, a sleep aid as prescribed by you doctor or cannabis edible. The sleep aid may be for a week or two after your body settles into the rhythm for sleep. I find that I do need to listen to a meditation video each might. It has worked well for me.
I hope this will help. Good luck!
I felt something like that with sleep paralysis. After doing some work on my inner child and family of origin with my therapist, I was able to name what the fear was and it stopped. Swaddle yourself in a blanket or thy a weighted blanket for extra comfort. Room should be 100% dark. Try playing delta waves through headphones at bedtime. Look on YT.
I have something similar. I can't sleep. I get really vivid nightmares and i need to look around to see they're not real. I used to be afraid to sleep because of thinking someone is watching me when i was 16. Took a med for a little time, i was nauseous and vomiting from it, but it helped then. Now it's my ptsd. What do you think is causing it? And I think you should insist on it with ur doc
Look up paranoid on the web for an understanding of what is happening to you. I am high on the scale for paranoia. Could be anxiety too since it increases fear. Constantly verbally deny your symptoms. Say out loud often "There is no body watching me". It is very likely that will influence your subconscious. What it years it believes.
You'd have to talk to a doctor to know, but it sounds like trauma to me. There are therapists who specialize in treating trauma.
I don't know if it will help you, but I have an audiobook next to my bed and fall asleep comforted by being read a story I love.