I'm having a terrible time with my depression. I can barely function. I'm on medication and have been for years. I am also working with a new therapist. I asked her to recommend books on depression but she had only one recommendation, "Depression for Dummies". I went to a local Barnes and Noble store and they were out. I would like to know if anyone here has other recommendations that have been helpful to them. Thank you!!
Having a Terrible Time: I'm having a... - Anxiety and Depre...
Having a Terrible Time

YouTube has a wealth of knowledge and awesome teachers and scientists with tons of educational podcasts on depression anxiety and trauma at you fingertips. My favorites are Gabor Maté for childhood trauma, depression and ADHD and Dennis Simsek The Anxiety Guy for all anxiety related problems. You will find thousands of hours of information and fact based, scientific insights into the origins of your problems. This tool has been a saving grace for me. Knowledge is power. Reclaim your empowerment. Own your recovery. Free your mind.
Let me know what you think ☺️💕
Classic book... Feeling Good by David Burns
Are you able to concentrate enough to read ? Depression zaps me of my ability to concentrate. I give you a lot of credit for finding a new therapist and trying to help yourself !! Do you think perhaps it is time to have your medications looked at. Our bodies change and over time the medications that worked in the past can stop working. I hope you find some answers and relief soon.
One of the main things that has helped me is tapping. More info here and click on Tapping 101 and Free Meditations at the site. thetappingsolution.com/
Sorry you're having a rough time. It might be time for a medication change. They often lose their effectiveness over time. How long have you been on what you're on?? Hope you feel better!
Amazon has Depression For Dummies. Also, if you've been in meds for years and they're no longer working, have you considered alternative treatment? I was on meds for years(since 1987) and became treatment resistant (am 67) and a few years ago my therapist recommended TMS. For me it was a lifesaver, literally. If you want more information, will be happy to share.
Thank you for your reply. I am on a new medication regiment. If I may ask, what is TMS?
TMS is transcranial magnetic stimulation. It's a noninvasive treatment that uses magnetic pulses(they feel like tapping against your head) targeting a part of the brain to relieve depression. Treatment is typically 5x/wk for 6-7 weeks with each treatment being around 20 minutes. You're awake during treatment and afterwards can go about your day. It's a big commitment but can be worth it. Obviously each person responds differently, for some it doesn't work. I've had 3 rounds in the past couple years. The results of the first two lasted about 6 months each and my last one so far has been just over a year.
I agree with the replies regarding the possibility of a medication no longer working after being on it for years. I was on one that worked for 17 years, then didn't any more. It happens over time, not unusual. When I finally could see a psychiatrist, he was surprised it worked as long as it did. I'm now one week into taking a different med in the same class. It's too early to expect relief, but after about a month we'll see how it's going. Also, if you're looking for books, how about a local library? It they don't have what you want, they can order it for you for free. Good luck. Therapy can help, but some of us also need meds.
I have also been struggling this month, you can get depression for dummies on Amazon as an E-book or Audiobook so you can start reading immediately. I also recently finished Unwinding Anxiety, that had exercises in it that were helpful .
I question what kind of therapist you’re seeing. That’s the only book she knew??? Weird. I would recommend the book Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff. There’s also an older book called Mental Health through Will Training by Dr. Abraham Low. It can be somewhat difficult to read but it has some good advice.

Mental Health Through Will Training, by Dr. Low --I agree, is a Very good & helpful book. I wonder if they still have Recovery Groups ("Recovery Inc."). Recovery, Inc. has been around since the 1940's, I think, but Dr. Low's method can still work today. Dr. Low was Years ahead of his time.

Thank you so much. I don't think that's the only book she knew but that's the one she suggested. I will check out both of your suggestions. Thank you!
I have found this podcast very helpful especially when I'm in one of my anxiety and/or depression spirals.
Hello! I am so sorry for your suffering. Therapy takes time to gain benefits. I’ve been with current therapist for 7 months and we are just now scratching the surface. Unfortunately, I’m kind of a hard nut to crack. All the books and videos just put me more in my head, which proves unhelpful vs real action. What helps me most is reminding myself what I like most in life and what make me smile and brings me peace. Music, nature, outdoor walks, animals, and ppl who make me laugh and keep me calm. Sometimes all the books and videos just get to be too much for me and cause ruminations. I love Tony Robbins tho as he speaks to me. Just my food for thought.
I'm a hard nut to crack as well. I am very impatient with myself and the progress I've made (or haven't made) in therapy but I've only been with my current therapist for a short time. In my current situation, I find it very difficult to find or remember the things that make me happy or give me joy. Everything is so overwhelming to me right now, even getting out of bed. I feel hopeless. I need a jumpstart.