lately just been angry with people a lot of them have been pissing me off tbh. i mean i dont like 99.9% of the population in this world basically if you are going to be unkind and mistreat me well better run fast cause its about to get nasty. i really really dont like 99.9 no we will make i 100% of the population i was definly hurt a lot as a child i was abused a lot so i do hold a lot of anger to other people its time tey do what i say. anyone whos been absued and was angry? help cause i dotn really want be this way but this is all i have known
anger: lately just been angry with... - Anxiety and Depre...

I am an abuse survivor. My parents had no idea it was an issue in our neighborhood. I still get very triggered in discussion about my childhood. There is a lot of good things from them, but as I look back I pushed all the bad down and it came back ugly later in life. But yes, this can make you feel like mankind is totally ridiculous. I too probably feel the same about the world, but it is more pointed at our holistic actions and the global happenings. Sometimes I think we will make ourselves extinct. These things make me enormously angry for my kids...and perhaps their kids too.
Your feelings are real and you deserve time to process the anger. I hope you have a good therapist. It took me awhile but I have seen the same person for 20 years. In some cases you may have to face the pure fact that many people are just selfish. They won't change and probably can't. Those people will eat away at your every day unless you can try to let things go and just remember they probably give you zero thought.
I am brand new at removing toxic people out of my life. It is hard, but it is freeing and liberating! Glad you are seeking advice. I get so much from the other members.
“Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.” - Mark Twain
I can appreciate being angry, even full of rage- particularly from the vantage point of dealing with prolonged abuse. Anger will very rarely serve you in life. I don't mean to say your anger is not valid, I mean to say, it may keep you from getting what's best for you in life.
I still don't understand the idea of forgiveness, not for some people... but showing yourself kindness and trying to find things in life that give you joy will likely help you to have a better experience than if you were to keep feeding your anger.
I hope you find a healthy outlet for this anger you feel
Love your post. I simply don’t have the energy to be angry anymore. A blessing in disguise. 🙏❤️
I also don't understand the idea of forgiveness. How do you forgive someone that has been very mean to you in your life. Instead, I would like to write a letter to that horrible person that treated me badly, and make sure they know all the things they said and did that hurt me, and changed my life in a bad way.
I am so sorry for all of the abuse you have suffered. I had physically abusive parents and a physically abusive husband. I eventually turned the abuse in on myself. I had years of counseling and had to forgive these damaged people. They came from abuse too. Somewhere along the line we have to stop the cycle of abuse otherwise we can become abusers and are at risk of ending up in jail or dead.. 🥺 I hope you can get the help you need and find some peace and joy in your life.💗🙏
You must approach God, your family and seek professional help, but you must forgive, although it is not that easy, but with God's help we can, and not be thinking that the other person is to blame, so that you can be healed. A hug with affection.
Hi just seen your post. I have had a lifelong problem with anger and recently it's got worse to the extent where I am now smashing things up, smashing myself up, smashing relationships up and so on. it's not nice. I am 40 years older than you so I've been through it for 62 years now. if you can get someone to help you then go for it. I just don't know what to do so I probably can't really give you great advice. sorry
Okay thanks for ur feeed back although didn't help much just made itt woorse
Hi again maybe I can try to be more helpful this time. When I sent my original message to you I had just smashed up another laptop in a rage so probably shouldn't have responded at that point. Anyway I'm really sorry to hear about your situation. Have you tried talking to your doctor about how you feel? I have been having this conversation for years now with mine and I've tried at least three different types of antidepressant, and all sorts of therapies like cognitive behavioural therapy, psychodynamic analysis and other types I can't remember the names of. My problem is I have what I call the red mist and instantaneously go into a rage and this is hard to stop for me at least but the things I've mentioned above may help you if you've not already tried them. Give them a go. Good luck
It's. Okay