i realised that with depression and anxiety, it has masked my anger..i just realised that i am a very angry person...i carry anger atound with me all the time and explode at the slightest, over little things..i must have been like this most of my life..i just want some advice as to how i do handle this..how do i eliminate this lifelong anger...it has stolen my inner peace..thanks in advance
anger...: i realised that with... - Anxiety and Depre...
starlight..thanks for being here..

I’m always just around the corner...We should have coffee soon
Ellinaki. Quick question on this anger is it like something sets you off and your yelling out loud or is it like a yelling to yourself kinda pissed off. Like your screaming but only you can hear you and no one else? If that makes sense.
I just know that I'm angry at the slightest..I approach everything with anger without knowing..I don't see things logically, calmly, or how little something may be..I'm just grumpy and angry..but I've been like this from a young kid..I just realised now at 43..when people ask me what's wrong..i respond with nothing and ask why?..and they say why are you angry..but to me I'm so accustomed to it that I dont realise...I don't scream or anything like that.. i am veey short tempered and I just realised that I carry so much anger in me that it seeps out unknowingly and without wanting to be...because its not me..so i want to get rid of it to be the real me and find the peace in me..hope I helped..
I feel like I know how you feel Maybe not exactly, but my anger was towards others and myself mostly. I certainly can't say nothing makes me angry anymore! But it's gotten better. Actually my accupuncturist helped me. I wasn't seeing her to resolve anger issues, but she helped me know it was still there and worked on it. Also, exercise, meditation, and writing helped to sort some things out and release some of the anger. Sometimes I threw away what I'd write and once I even burned it! I hope something of this helps.
I've read before that depression can sometimes manifest as anger. I hadn't considered that before.
thank you..Yes I need to get this out of my system too because I think It will.lead me.closer to the inner peace I'm looking for..I never knew I was so.angry and short tempered..it's been Instilled me from young..I'm 43 now and just realised..and I want to know how to get rid of it cause Its not me..i want inner peace and i think my anger is blocking me to find it..thank you for your reply

You’ll get there, to the peace ✌️ I believe you will since you are open to confronting the anger. I wonder if it will help to see where the anger stems from. I’m happy that you had the realization.
Set it free ellinaki....don't allow it to empower you...dump trucks of love, peace, light, joy & hugs for you...I'm always here for you!
thanks anxiety59..yep I'm setting it free..
Good for you..doesn't do any good to hang on to it...you'll be free now...that's fantastic..you go, go , go!! I love you bunches!
I saw you post with @Starrlight. Interesting perspective relating anger with anxiety and depression.
I guess I somehow learned anger was bad. Showing your anger ment I was broken and not able to handle the circumstance.
My father was the angriest. Pins and needles when ever he was around. Mom did lots of crying to us kids. Not bad people just ill equipped.
Although life is and communication is better these days. I am still scared to upset my father plus i carry a lot of pressure to keep my parents happy as well as EVERY single person around me.
Just learning this about myself much later in life.