its been 3 years since i last posted/wrote anything in here, things have been well and i have learned a lot about myself. where my limits are and how to take care of myself.
I have learned how important rhythm is, asking myself how i really feel, making daily writings, keeping log and holding myself accountable and making good healthy changed.
But it is so damn hard, its so hard always trying. Fighting hard to get better... It does work, and i had a good run.
I finished my education, and i was getting financially stable, but then i lost my job and thru Christmas there has been so much happening.
Now im just overloaded, and my plans went out the window. I know things are gonna turn out better in the future... Im just tired of holding on.
I have had a depression before, and i feel my mental state i resembling the mushy state of stale water, i think what scares me the most is that im going to return to that state of inaction.