My mom said she hates me. I don't know what to do. I got into a fight with a kid. I am a horrible human being. I need help! I wanna commit suicide...
My Mother: My mom said she hates me. I... - Anxiety and Depre...
My Mother

I'm sure she doesn't mean that. I said something close enough to that to my daughter when she was a teenager and really getting to me. I said almost as l recall. My own stupid words stilll haunt me. My son when he was young told me a couple of times I was the worst mother in the world. I know he doesn't think that now. We all say things at the spur of the moment we don't mean.
Please ring a helpline.
Please don't commit suicide!
I often feel like commiting suicide aswell. The good thing is that the emotion will pass. Your mind will get distracted. However long it will take - that's different each time. The key is to push superhuman mental energy into honestly vowing to make a change and avoid the same telltale triggers and catalysts. As you can deduce, the answer for my own problem is right infront of my face, it is my moral subconscious reasoning, however, that pulls me back into the abyss. (Or excuses. I honestly don't know anymore) Though that is seriously logical advise: avoid triggers and lapsing back into a destructive mental pattern all over again.
Not to make light on a serious subject, but your comment about getting distracted made me chuckle because not too long ago I was wanting to die and looked up how to tie knots. I ended up watching all kinds of stupid videos on some pretty cool knots. By the time I remembered my purpose, I was too tired to pursue my goal. So crisis adverted by my subconscious mind I guess.
I am sorry that you have been feeling like this. It is never easy to admit to ourselves when we need help, therefore I am proud of you for making that acknowledgement. I hope that with guided professional help you can begin to heal from the hurt you are experiencing. Support is always there is you reach out and ask for it!
Might it help if you changed your name on this site to something more Positive than "Slowly Dying Inside"??? In all seriousness, calling yourself bad things can be Very harmful for you.