I’ve had a hard time connecting to people for as long as I can remember. Everything and everybody has always felt just so superficial and fake, for lack of a better word.
It’s gotten to the point where *everything* seems so frivolous to me: I’ve always had trouble keeping jobs because they’re all so unfulfilling; I’ve always had trouble staying in school because I never felt that I belonged; I’ve always had trouble keeping friendships because of my own paranoia and self-doubt; therapists have always been unable to help me, and the slurry of medications I took in my teenage years only made me worse so I stopped.
I can see that this mentality is going to lead me down a long and lonely path if I continue, but every time I try to break free from this path, I end up throwing myself back onto it.
Overall, I know that these fears are self made and unfounded, but it’s hard to shake the feeling.
I doubt anybody will even read this, let alone reply to it. I’m not even looking for advice or anything, I just wanted to get it off my chest and throw it into the void.