Firstable i was hurting and then my roommate came and said terrible cruel things. I'm crying and vomiting. Then the scammer guy from here messaged me by ym number , i won't say his name for his confidentiality. I told him to im crying and vomiting, not knowing where to live, he tsarted insulting me. Saying it's my fault for the death of his brother and that i didn't give him money to go see him. I blocked him but he texted from another number. He has my number. I'm begging for mercy. I'm already on hte floor, kicked, surrounded by my own vomiting. Please have mercy. I don't have money. If i did, iwould move out, or get Better help instead of tsrangers. Please, i'm on the rock bottom. I'm a worm and everyone is stepping on me.
How can people be so cruel. I'm not ... - Anxiety and Depre...
How can people be so cruel. I'm not blaming anyone, i just need support

Please report the scammer so they can be removed from this site. This is supposed to be a safe place for all of us. I'm sorry you're going through this. You are valuable and deserve compassion. Don't believe negative statements from people that have no idea about how you or any of us are suffering. Good luck.
blrue green.....sooooooooooo thankful ur and others are here sooootankul
Sorry you are going through this! Report the scammer don’t protect him. The administrator of this site can help you. Contact ADAATEAMRACHEL. Go to a ER for immediate help. Pray to Heavenly Father for help!!Please keep us posted.
My prayers are with you.
soooo thankul u pepole are here x ten trillion
Please go to ER. The scammer needs revealing and reporting to protect everyone else too. This is a safe place.
I hope you get better soon
Thanks. I think the scammer isn't on hu anymore, was talking on whatsapp. I don't know If ER in my country can help, either neglect me or put me in mental hospital which will have consequences
sorry about ur internet problems Brig....u mean ur horses were tryin to help but thy are havng problems with the keys and their big noses? can we make a special large keyboard for them Brig? do they lke me brig? u tell them all about me really? they like me to come feed and pet them brig....oh i see id never hurt them or laugh at u for working with animals and horses......oh...never realized that was prob......u mean my sensitiity is an asset to the anmla world brig????? umean ud....chose me ahead of othe5rs as id never hurt ur horses?????really??????could i work a t a pet shop brig????plese tell ur horses i miss then and i ll hug them and fed them carrots and never hrt them brig ...i swear brig....i ll take care of hem and makre sure nooo ever hurts them i swear.......oh.....u already know that...u mean.......i have kind heart and im ahead in tha5 area whereas the ohte are ahead at being mean????bu5 i dont like bing mean brig........ooh i get never hurt ur horses or anmals.....oooooooooooh i get ahead in tha5 area.......wooooooooooooooow so on the list to get to pet and owrk with ur horses brig.....ahead??????? woooww........ahead???? for real????they miss me???????
yes ...they miss u and they like ud never ever hurt them......listen to all these wonderful people above.....they care about u and u can trust them.....know its super scary....u can trust these people i assure u....

I'm crying reading this. I'm really a kind person Who would never hurt any living being and they Treat me like i'm evil. I'm worried what job i could find. I didn't want to be a vet because i'm afraid i might hurt an animal and because my parents live and work right next to the vet university and i just want to be away from them
hear me from a tone of respect and support.......young people have v sesntive feelings and not much armor....which develops they get blasted by mean people
why would someon go up to a sweet dog and kick them???
its not the dogs fault is it? its the violator....its the meaness romthe mean person....ask any
we take u and the sweet dog over here
and the old street cop in me goes over to the mean people and has a few words......
ur right....ur kind and u can work with animals or shelte o shps anytime ...dont have to be a vet who have the same hear tbut
have extra training.........that helps the cope with what we have to deal with.....and were older**** and have armor
alll young people are devistated by mean.......they dont hav th armor an like the kind dog.......why is this person kicking me i was just standin there.....all true
hence our purpses as the guardians and remove the mean .....they are the violators.........not the kind dog ish
Thanks. I think the scammer isn't on hu anymore, was talking on whatsapp. I don't know If ER in my country can help, either neglect me or put me in mental hospital which will have consequences
He thinks i'm evil and i was protecting him. What a surrealism. I think he's not on hu anymore
Sounds like you need a new roommate! Can you get on YouTube and start educating yourself on topics like ie; setting boundaries, how not to engage with narcissists, getting free of a victim mentality, not being so vulnerable with everyone, freedom from fear etc. Are there any codependent support groups in Bulgaria? You need support from people who have the knowledge and can assist you on a regular basis. Praying you find some strength to get up and get going!💗
Can you get your number changed? Just tell the phone company you are getting unwanted calls and woukd like a new number. I don't think you have to go into details about it but it would help with them not texting you.

I thought about this. Fortunatelly i delieted whatsapp and it stopped
I'm not a big fan of all those apps. I just have fb and HU. Fb mainly for keeping up with family.

I dislike apps too
It was alright for a few years then it seems like every app has gotten bad people on it. I know I had some that had torn me apart so I left those apps.