my partner suffers with anxiety and depression.
i've managed to ruin his trust for me, again.
long story short - a guy appeared to show interest to me on insta and i responded with a laughing face (why did i do that??)
then an old friend messaged me and i asked if him and his friends wanted to meet me and my friends (also his old friends) in our town on a night out. i simply thought it would be good to catch up with an old friend and at the time (probably because i'd had alcohol) didnt think sam would mind. he and his friends didnt come anyway.
however, i forgot about these conversations (i have a memory like a sieve) so when he asked me over the weekend if any lads had messaged me and i had said "not that i can think of" but when he looked through, there was those messages. so he now thinks i was lying about it.
He wasn't happy that i'd tried to arrange this catch up (his mother also agreed with him and told me she would of ended it with me) because he didnt know this guy, so i think thats where there was an undersight on my part.
when we first got together, i didn't realise how how serious we were and was messaging another guy and this has brought up the memories and the arguements from that too.
How do i now work on gaining his trust again? How do i prove to him there was no intention on my part? Appreciate any insight, even if it's something that i won't want to hear.