Ever feel this way?: I have zero... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Ever feel this way?

Willow2022 profile image
39 Replies

I have zero motivation. The only thing I want to do is sit and read. My kids are home for summer break, it’s sooo hot out that they are inside with me so we are all just sitting around. My depression makes it hard to do anything when I feel like this but getting the motivation to do anything is dry difficult. Even something simple like taking a shower.


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Willow2022 profile image
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39 Replies
Bill181 profile image

I've felt that I think everyone battling depression needs a very strong love to feel from another person hang in there know someone cares bout you and needs a hug just as much as you do

Willow2022 profile image
Willow2022 in reply to Bill181

Thanks Bill. I have a super understanding husband but when he is at work, it’s just so hard to get up and do anything.

Bill181 profile image
Bill181 in reply to Willow2022

Yea I understand. When I was with someone I'd simply spend time with her but now I'm single and it's hard to go out and sit alone and if I do I feel worse cause I see everyone sharing time with someone

Willow2022 profile image
Willow2022 in reply to Bill181

Currently I am working through the thought that I would be so much better off alone. No husband. No kids. No dog. Just me. Sounds crazy because that is what people long for and I sometimes want to wish it all away. Live in a little apartment all by myself with only myself to worry and take care of. My therapist knows of this thought but no one else. It’s an unsettling feeling.

Roxylox profile image
Roxylox in reply to Willow2022

I understand that from a workload point of view, but yet from a love and companionship point of view my husband and kids are what I a. most grateful for. My dog doesn't require much looking after, and she gives me the motivation and courage to go walking reasonably regularly.

Bosun-M8 profile image
Bosun-M8 in reply to Willow2022

That's an easy answer but not the right one. In our minds isolation seems like just the right answer that will solve all our problems, except one: ourselves. I tried it once and it seemed so right in my mind, but in reality, it broke apart the most important things in my life. I still struggle with the lack of desire to do anything. Sometimes just getting out of bed is an accomplishment. Sometimes I can't even do that. I go to work and the structure is necessary because it forces me to be accountable. However, the struggle is very real and isolation only adds to the weight of it all. Thank you for sharing your experience. It hit close to home for me.

Joshgw profile image

I don't feel like doing anything. I can't even read or watch TV. So I can totally relate, you're not alone. I feel this total paralysis.

Willow2022 profile image
Willow2022 in reply to Joshgw

I don’t watch TV either. I think books give me a way to escape and pretend I don’t have depression or things are all just going swell. Denial is probably not the answer.

Joshgw profile image
Joshgw in reply to Willow2022

You're right denial is not the answer. I'm not denying my depression and how awful I feel. In fact, I do the opposite. I obsess over it

Roxylox profile image

Just to say I am very similar. I only do the basics. Must try and snap out of that.

Willow2022 profile image
Willow2022 in reply to Roxylox

I have slowly stopped cleaning the house on the regular too which is not normal for me. I have a pretty set schedule of what I do every day during the week and I can’t remember the last time I followed it.

Roxylox profile image
Roxylox in reply to Willow2022

I am not good at following a schedule. I find if I can summon up the energy to do one task it sometimes leads to another. My energy is poor

Joshgw profile image
Joshgw in reply to Roxylox

I can't even do the basics. I'm lucky I can get out of bed to go to work, but do nothing when I get there. I'm just completely paralyzed from doing anything, like I'm stuck behind a wall or in quicksand

Roxylox profile image
Roxylox in reply to Joshgw

Ah, but you are still able to go to work, I'm not. Congratulate yourself!

Willow2022 profile image
Willow2022 in reply to Roxylox

Yes! That is a big win to be able to get up, get ready and go to work. You don’t give yourself enough credit.

Your Part about Motivation Hit Me! When I’m Suffering I Cannot Do Anything! I might pull out

of it in a couple days,but, usually about a week. It’s Bad, torturous! Can’t eat, sleep, tub up, brush my teeth, nothing! Can’t concentrate, pay attention, I could ramble on. Honestly, if I didn’t find this site, good chance I’d be suffering right now. I’m on your side Willow, if ya want me there

Willow2022 profile image
Willow2022 in reply to

Awww, thank you for the support. I am so humbled by the people in here who listen and understand. No one in my family has depression so they don’t get why even the little things can be so hard.

in reply to Willow2022

It is my pleasure! Believe that! It keeps me outta the pit

Joshgw profile image
Joshgw in reply to Willow2022

No one in my family has depression either. So they don't understand, so I completely relate and support how you're feeling. My wife thinks she understands, but she doesn't know how it really feels. My marriage is in shambles bc of it. I'm glad she's still around and we're in couples therapy, but she's tired of being my caretaker and doesn't even want to talk about it. Sometimes I wish I was alone, but we have a 12 year old son I couldn't imagine life without. If it wasn't for him, I've been so suicidal I'm not sure I'd still be here

Joshgw profile image
Joshgw in reply to

I'm right there with you, but I'm suffering immensely

AnxiousSilver profile image


I feel you on this one, and I am going through it right now.

In the near future, I'm going to be sharing some stuff where I'm going to be looking for for support myself.

This past week has been BRUTAL, and it's just piling on to some other stuff that I'm currently dealing with ATM. 🙁

Joshgw profile image
Joshgw in reply to AnxiousSilver

I've been really suffering for over a year, but ive had depression for 30. But I'm going to follow your lead and share some stuff too

Willow2022 profile image

Anxious Silver and Josh… just having this post up and me writing about it made me get up and take a shower. Win for me. We can’t give up and I want you both to know when you are ready to share, I am here for you.

AnxiousSilver profile image
AnxiousSilver in reply to Willow2022

"We can’t give up and I want you both to know when you are ready to share, I am here for you. "

Thank you. :)

Dizzart profile image

Don’t feel guilty it’s fine to cut off it’s taken me a long time to stop feeling guilty about doing nothing as I’ve retired. I should read more as I used to once and in this heat even in Britain it’s sensible. Enjoy exercising your brain mine needs some . Take care Slob out it’s good to stop sometimes 👍🏻👍🏻

Knit11 profile image

It's tough and I am sorry you go through it. Depression makes one lethargic and the more you relent to it, the more entrenched it becomes. The way to break this vicious cycle is to make an effort and do something, even as little as dusting one room, an evening short walk, or any activity you choose. Keep making an effort and stick with it every day and you will find that you will be able to increase the amount of things you can do and will also feel good about it. It takes a lot of will power because of the disease, but managing to go against its devastating effects helps lifting it.I hope you can do it. Best of luck!

Willow2022 profile image
Willow2022 in reply to Knit11

Thank you Knit. You are so right. The hardest step is the first one. Thank you for reinforcing what I know but just deny 🙂

Knit11 profile image
Knit11 in reply to Willow2022

I went through it myself. Truly wish you well!

Lucy54Abby04 profile image

Sitting and reading is how I spend my best days. Don't feel guilty.

Willow2022 profile image
Willow2022 in reply to Lucy54Abby04

Oh Lucy I wish that was me. I have things to do and just don’t do them. Then I feel guilty for not getting anything done.

Willow, I know exactly what you are going through. I cannot get motivated to do anything, even as you say, take a shower. Knit11 has the right idea. Do some little thing every day. I have been doing that and, most days, it helps. Just want to let you know you are not alone.

Willow2022 profile image
Willow2022 in reply to blue77moon-forest

Thanks Blue. It’s nice to not be alone

Moonira profile image

First of all let me tell you Willow that I understand what you are going through as I have been there many times myself when I had my young children and was in an abusive marriage. What I have found that has worked for me sometimes his to just go to the bathroom and to Splash cold water on my face. You need to try and do something to break the cycle of depression. I also found picking up the phone and calling one of my close friends would help. If you can muster the strength go outside and just walk around the block even if it's a brief walk. Somehow to stimulate the brain out of its state of depressive paralysis as I call it. You're lucky you can read when I'm that depressed and anxious I can't even do that. Sometimes it's the simplest things that help. If you don't like Splash in cold water in your face how about a nice warm shower or bath! Don't think too far ahead just think one one thing at a time. I wish you so much luck and I'm with you in thought.🌻🦋🌈

Willow2022 profile image
Willow2022 in reply to Moonira

Thanks Moonira. Calling it a paralysis is very accurate. I think I will need to force myself to take shorts walks each day. I used to love it and know once I get out, I will enjoy it again.

Moonira profile image
Moonira in reply to Willow2022

Yes Willow...give it a go I'm cheering for you....the hardest step is the first...I have to push every day...otherwise the lazyboy can be so tempting!!!! Good luck let me know how it goes💫👏💫🌞🌈🦋

PurpleRay60 profile image

Am grateful for the * courage shown in sharing Willow2022. Its opened up others too for sharing related and helpful things too. The condition makes you feel isolated until someone finds courage and reaches out as you have to talk.Its clarified my auto-tendency to worry about past yet its gone and be anxious about the future yet is unpredictable. I felt yesterday a spiritual nudge to focus in and concentrate in the here now sort of thing. Energy use sensible. Good how we can all give experiences, thoughts, feelings, intuitions, little self tested plans to help one another. Caring for self is important


32Punch profile image

100% where I'm at, too. Reading ebooks from the library as fast as possible to numb out everything.

Willow2022 profile image
Willow2022 in reply to 32Punch

Yep, that me. Read and read and read so you don’t have to feel.

CoderMom profile image

I wish it was depression. For me, it is physical issues - crippling osteoarthritis, autoimmune, thyroid, heart, liver, kidneys, connective tissue, vascular, etc.

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