I just don't want to do ANYTHING! I see dishes in the sink and I turn away. I don't cook anymore (thanks to my loving husband) and think taking the dishes out of the dishwasher is a major chore. Is this something anyone else has felt?
Does anyone else feel this way? - Anxiety and Depre...
Does anyone else feel this way?
Oh yes. I can go better than you coz I live alone. My whole flat is disgusting as I find it so hard to get motivated to clean. Can you send your lovely husband round to me please? x
He retired 10 years before me so we got in a GREAT routine-I worked, he took care of meals. I know I should help, but I feel so tired all I want to do is lie around and read or ruminate. This SUCKS!

It sure does. Just be grateful that your lovely husband does it though. It could be a lot worse if you lived alone and couldn't do it. x
I agree. Thanks for your response. Hope you feel better soon!

Ha I doubt it! But thanks anyway. x
Yeah, I’ve been like that for quit some time now. I’ve become numb to it in a sense where I go somewhere (not sure where) in my head and I kind of come back to reality and the task is done.
I know I'm not alone and am glad/sorry others are going through this. I gotta put my head down and get stuff done. Thanks for your reply!
I certainly have felt this way. I go through these phases. When I’m like this I try not to feel guilty.
Feeling guilty is second nature to me. Have been that way for a long time. Also trying to deal with my mom's stuff (she's in a nursing home) as well as our own. Wish I had my strength back. Thanks for responding to me.
Absolutely, positively--OFTEN! Actually, more often than not. You are SOOOOO not alone, jhbo!
Yes, mine seems to be 24/7. Thanks for listening and commiserating (hope I spelled it right).
Lol yep plenty of people feel this way. When I see dishes I turn away not because I’m lazy, but I’m just mentally and emotionally exhausted from my mental illnesses. I still do take out the trash, do my laundry, wash dishes, and even cook but that’s on a very rare day:/ I’m simply beat and too depressed.
I know I feel lazy just sitting here, but it's the best I can do right now.
Yeah. Unless you enjoy loading and unloading a dishwasher I think it is completely normal. Why?
I know part of my depression is due to not having a purpose since I've retired. Just doing housework is not fun, but I don't know what else to do. People have given me ideas, but none of them appeal to me. Just showering and eating is a chore. Thank goodness for this site as I know others feel the same way.
Yes, I feel the same what, jhbo
Yes, some days my house is a total wreck and I just can't push myself to do anything about anything. I just wanna crawl in a hole and be left alone.
Yes, even getting out of bed is hard work. Housework seems impossible. The only reason i stay in this world is thinking about all the people i would hurt being gone.
Yes, even now I’m feeling much better still the same although do eventually get more done in the end than when I was really bad. My friend came round once and that helped but not for long! Maybe we should both set ourselves a small target to make some progress!