For the last year Iv been feeling totally apathetic and finding everything boring, I don’t seem to be interested in anything I normally like and it’s driving me crazy, I can’t find anything to watch on tv as it seems disinteresting or “boring” I find myself saying I can’t be bothered most of the time, it’s like Iv lost motivation for everything. I’m having a few problems with my thyroid as recently had a scan and it’s shrinking and medication Iv been on isn’t working and this is being looked into but I can’t go on like this anymore I feel like I’m in a haze or dulled down zombie like. What the hell is wrong with me? I feel absolutely fed up and don’t feel like me.
Does anyone know why I feel like this... - Anxiety and Depre...
Does anyone know why I feel like this? Plz

Hello, I recognize those feelings, its called depression. Do not waste any more time talk to your Dr. they need to get your thyroid sorted out, that can cause depression, if that does not do the trick then you may need an antidepressant. I have been on antidepressants for years, my thyroid is fine. If you can do it talk with a therapist who specializes in depression. Talking to us here you will get love, support and good suggestions. Be sure and take your B vitamins, they are good for brain and nerves. A great book to read is by Dr. Claire Weeks, Hope & Help for your Nerves, it also helps with anxiety if you have it. I understand it is available on Amazon new/used. I have a copy and it is a big help. I wish you well and want your suffering to stop. Sending Peace, love & Hugs....Sprinkle 1....
Well I’m not a doc so don’t quote me. But I been there . (Well in my own way) ... I was miserable depressed whatever u wanna call it. Life is just tough . Don’t give up . I don’t know you but I hope you have a good circle of fam or even just one good friend to talk to. But def keep pushing. Sounds to me like you want to get better. So don’t give up.
Thank you yes I really want to feel normal again it’s the apathy, brain fog depressed feeling I just want it to lift so I can be me again. I miss doing the things I used to love and just have no motivation to do them. It’s the waiting I hate.
Yep I totally understand sometimes you just gotta push yourself. For me it’s work even tho it stresses me out at times. I just keep finding ways to stay productive. And when I need to relax I do ... it just finding that balance . I know it’s tough but I don’t it’s not impossible. Sounds to me like maybe u just gotta be you again. Find that balance. U know
Yes it sounds like depression. I've been like it for 2 and a half years. Things I enjoyed doing I'm not interested in. Everything has changed, I am at a loose end. Always was very busy, very motivated not now. So strange to be so different and how do you get out of it? I feel the only answer now is to get very busy doing something anything. Iv got underactive thyroid, you must make sure you get that checked out. Best wishes and I really hope you get out of this awful situation.
Thank you Iv been telling my doctor for years that my thyroid medication isn’t working as Iv done nothing but sleep and have no energy, had a scan and my thyroid is shrinking and it’s only now their doing something about it after 3 years, Iv never felt like this before, It’s a horrible feeling I used to love doing a lot of things and now they just seem boring or uninteresting, I suppose you just have to keep trying to do things until the feeling lifts eventually and you start feeling better. I could have a million pounds right now and I really wouldn’t know what to do with it!
First is to check you out does sound like my depression but you have to make sure thyroid OK. Shouldn't have taken all this time.
I totally understand! And yes, like others have said, sounds like depression which confused me because I wanted to enjoy things but couldn’t. Try to keep doing the things even if they don’t feel good right now.
Hi Donna
Go see your Doctor and explain how you feel, you sound as though you have depression.
Go get it sorted
Keep me updated
I’ve been trying to overcome the feelings myself but it’s proving to be very hard, feel a bit worse for wear the last week and I’m going to see about trying a new antidepressant to see if it helps, Iv also had something on my mind for a while now and that’s not helping me at the minute. 😞
Oh you poor thing.
Have you seen a Doctor, are you on antidepressants, if so what ones and how long.
I have been on 20m until last Friday the dose was increased to 40m, tomorrow it’s 4 weeks, Doctor rang me today and said you have to give it time to get into the system.
I know just how you feel, I have no interest in anything, and just sit and wait all day hoping to get a breakthrough.
Hello yes Iv been on Sertraline for over a year now and have tried nearly every SSRI over the last few years and given each one a good few months and every one seemed to just stop working, I’m just taking sertraline 25mg at the minute and pregablin they want me to try higher on sertraline again but every time I do it just makes me very agitated Iv know idea why as Iv been on higher doses before, I’ve had a good mental health assessment recently and I have suspected autism (due to sensory issues Iv been having) along with anxiety and depression, the main problem is the dulling, flat apathy feeling I have constantly along with anxiety. And I also have a constant guilt feeling over everything and it’s overwhelming I’m torturing myself every day with this guilt. It’s a long story but I think that’s the culprit.