I am having trouble with my emotions. Mood swings. All tangled up. Scary. Jumbled. Intrusive thoughts racing and I feel I’m trying to get to a spot which will tell the root of the problem , the problem that I can’t view so far. I’m feeling guilt but nothing attached to it for reasoning that I can gather. Need motivation and need activity. But I just feel like I am frozen.
I just want to go to the beach … it’s... - Anxiety and Depre...
I just want to go to the beach … it’s hard to explain how I feel… but need to try

Feel a bit like that right now too, something holding me back
Only immediate future in my case. Family event soon. Have a bit of worry around it. Is often a fear of people in my case too.
Is it a fear of future foryou Starrlight?
I think so. I am realizing that this magical summer I have on my mind will come to an end and I’m preparing myself for homeschooling my kiddos. Just a bit intimidating
I always found impending Autumn and back to school daunting too
Yeah. Thanks I guess there are good things about Autumn too. I’m trying to enjoy the summer but there’s a lot to do to prepare,… so it’s just stressful. How are you thinking Saturday may go? Are there people who are hard to be around?
People who haven't been nice to me in the recent past, all behind my back. I'll just have to put on a fake smile. Hope they will at least pretend to be nice tome on tbe day That will do me. My expectations are not too high.
Remember, small steps! Bit by bit things add up and it helps to make things feel less overwhelming or futile when you get a little bit of success, then build on it. Some days just suck though, and that's fine... they can suck, then find a shallow grave and stay there to make room for the nicer ones 🙃
Somehow we do get through these things. Did I send you an ocean video? If not I will. You can at least listen to the sounds
Yes send please! Ha I think I’m ridiculous for posting I need the beach but I bet you understand! ❤️
(star- fogive my post plssse...but remember ur shaing....indireddtly
other readers...ie me
(not a burden)
ignore anything i say if hurtful or insulting....not meant that way...just comes out wong sometimes ....
ur beach reminds me of wasting the stars at nigh right unnder my nose.....C ....ur post really did help not a waste of time
just fyi
Do you think any of this could be lingering effects of your Paxil increase a while back?
(Possibly something to ask your psych/doc the next time that you talk to him/her)
eh no offense apply th sauve...dont need to know the detail...u desre the cure......the rest will come...
brig..u say ..u need to go walk to the forest...ge some air...walk on th beach....good fo u always feel better dont need to know why dude..
u know star- ur exactly right ...what the heck am i waiting for.....5hank tons....
ignore anything i say thats insulting or hurtful....( not meant that way)

Yeah nature is healing, eh?
its not innately aggressive...trees are great strong protectors great llisteners....and artists paradise in all directions ...endless complexity v humans linear sterile world...for myself anyway....
nice to be around nature lovers....
tired of ice cubes and regrigerator people..what...its a tree....
ya well if u dont know i cant tell u..
thanks v much
Are you an artist as well as a nature lover?
Dear Starrlight, If the beach is your place to go, that's great that it is close to you. You are turning inwards and trying to understand what is going on. If you have labeled your feeling or emotion "guilt" but you can't find a reason for it, perhaps you have mis-identified the feeling. Dig deeper. Where do you feel it in your body? How do you name the feeling? I'm probably too late for today but - next time.
Yeah I think I am anxious. I didn’t do anything wrong so… not guilt. I’m tapering off a strong med so I feel off. I feel anxiety rushing through my body. So tired of this.
You do have some anxiety-causing thoughts (it might be an idea to just do something small to prepare for next term) but it might be cortisol rushing through your body. It's really annoying. I hope you will be able to see your GP about this soon and maybe get something to calm it down, as there may be a medical reason for it. In the meantime, be kind to yourself.
I’m sure it’s that I’m tapering off an anxiety med ugh
We got this. You watch, we will look back on this one day and say.... we did it
Bugs or worms?
True!!! Haha bugs please! Beetles are ok spiders are ok I just hate maggots I just can’t even think of maggots 🤢
I'm drawing the line at maggots!! They are nasty. I will take the worms I guess. I'm going to need some soon... 🦔.... maybe I will get some at the baby shower
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ to ⭐️
Hahahaaaaaaa! So fun to think about him/her coming into your life!!! Yeah worms aren’t so bad. We get used to them. ❤️💚💙
Please send one worm to the baby shower . If the budget allows you can send a bug also. We are registered at pet smart
Lmao of course! I’m so excited for you mama to be! 🦔
That's good; you should feel better with that insight.🤗