does anyone have any ideas on how not to be afraid? I’m so scared. My dad and uncle and sister are talking about death non stop and wills non stop lately and I can’t help but hear some and It’s freaking me out. I think I’ll try to trust in God but even then it’s like bad shit happens wether you put trust in a god or not… and maybe God is really love that spreads over the universe in all things. So I’ll try to focus on love. Does anyone have any other ways not to be scared feeling? I just keep getting the sense that terrible things are about to happen I think it’s intuition or anxiety. I quit drinking about a month ago but I just had a drink and I feel like it’s making things worse. I am a mess. Then the next second I’m stronger but all in all I’m just experiencing a lot of stress. I don’t know what to do. I keep thinking it would be nice to die I’m tired of the fear. I want an angel to hug me and promise it will be ok.
how to let go of fear I want to know - Anxiety and Depre...
how to let go of fear I want to know

I'll give you a hug till the angel comes..🫂

Yaaaaaay Ellinaki I am so glad you are here!!! That’s just perfect thank you.
u know what i did when this same situation where ur own family is fighting and u just dont know wat to do and u r scared some bad things r going to happen and u just want something to believe in or something to hang on to.i was scared but after some days i just ignored everything when my mom said let the people involved handle it, u dnt need to go in middle or get affected by it, just do your work. well i just did my work but still i am affected by this unknown tension all time btw people at home i just sat and saw series full binging and when i got out of that zone everything was over but i do regret one thing that whole time due to my fear i just hid myself, i should have hugged and talked to my lil brother and my uncle too. now it's so awkward btw us.
i can just say that show a lil more courage and whatever happens yes it is going to be okay even though it is not going to be same again have some hope it is okay. just be open minded and know that they also had their own life story full of struggles and their own perpective of life that is affected by their insecuritites too..
they love u and they care for u,
and each other too, just dont know to show that right now coz they only want to worry about their future nothing else...
coz it will make them kind and weak in a fight right.
but i hope u cope with this just hang out with your friends or something but if u have to be involved wear an armour to heart with an open mind.
best of luck this too shall pass on to a more blissful future.
I will try to be more courageous and more open minded that’s what I take from your writing and I really appreciate you thanks!
anytime for u and taking time to let all this steam off of yourself too.
just go out and u know feel nature.. self-care is important at these times u need to pamper urself
Great ideas! I’m going for it! Writing here helps me. So much! The responses you guys give are great but the d as implemented act of thinking it and letting it out to another person is healing and strengthening.
I am feeling the same way lately. We had to write up our wills and that was traumatic for me! No wonder many people refuse to have a will. Not to mention the cost!
I haven’t found out the secret formula on how to deal with fear and anxiety. I’m
still struggling with acceptance. I have “safe” places I feel I can go to sooth my nervousness. Little nooks with my favorite things and my dog and cat accompany me most often. I also can meditate and be in prayer in those spaces. Sometimes nothing seems to help and I just search and search for my safe place and those times are my most difficult days.
Just don’t give up. We are all in the same boat. We can sail on together!😊🛥⚓️
I wish I knew how not to be afraid if I knew that I would be living a better life! I struggle to just sit with anxiety and not freak out, I can manage deep breathing but other than distractions or trying to think of positive things I can control, fear is still the biggest challenge. If I figure it out I'll definitely share my ideas here.
You talk about God and Angels... if you're a faithful person maybe you can draw strength from that. Most holy books often have a similar message of "don't be afraid"... as if it's so simple but then I guess that's where the idea of having faith in something else comes in.
I like Snowdayze’s quote Let’s think of how “fear does not stop death it stops life” ha I know as if it’s so simple right!? I think once we get a hold of it it IS actually simple, it’s the figuring out that makes us impatient and drives us crazy.
Exactly!! I'm struggling with acceptance and commitment therapy because I'm yet to find a satisfactory answer to what to do with the fear I feel! I do get a lot of help out of NOT over-reacting though or rationalizing things. I've always been scared of death because I don't know what comes next, so I've tried to embrace a positive death view but it doesn't mean I don't get a little afraid of the idea.
I so appreciate you! That is a great help, all of your words.
Expose yourself to your deepest fear. After that, fear has no power and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free.
- Jim Morrison
how do u tackle this fear of freedom??? Isinatra this thing really stops me from doing so many things that will turn my life in better way.
Jim Morrison’s thoughts could be considered simplistic, but there’s some truth in them. It really depends on what his fears were. Stage fright? Going forward and taking that chance of enlarging his career? Commitments? Staying sober? Of course, there’s no perfect answer for all people how to face our fears or even to attempt to. It’s an individual journey. Me….I was forced to face my fears every day in order to function in a normal, ahem, society. I survived and found coping mechanisms. Some not so wise. It was hit and miss until recently. You have more ways to cope than I did. Keep looking and don’t give up. You’ll be glad you didn’t.
Feel the fear, and do it anyway
It's anxiety. Not intuition. You're surrounded with words that scare you now. Words matter! That's what we try to do here.
You'll get through this. You are strong and determined.
It won't always be okay, we're creatures on Earth subject to fate. Coming to terms with that is hard, but people who care make it more bearable.
Please don't try to drink your way out of this. You already saw it didn't work.
I'm no angel! But I hope and believe it will be okay.
Thank you. I’m sober …. Again I’ve decided. Ugh I feel Stupid and Defeated.
Thank you for the information. It's a big help to know that.
Are you feeling better now? What has happened to the fear? Did it fly out of the window? You may worry about how you'll cope in certain situations, and how things are going to turn out in the future, but our planet is not about to fall into the sun's flames. That would be frightening. It's all a matter of scale. We do what we can to allay our fears or rid ourselves of the causes of fear, we distract ourselves or we run away. Sometimes it's a case of wait a while; we never know what the future holds for us and, remember, it could be good.🤗 It would also be good to remember that fear is just a feeling and feelings come from our thoughts. When you focus on something, good or bad, that tends to affect your outcomes. What can you focus on that makes you feel good?
Oh dear; that can become a worry for a sensitive person, Have you tried asking them not to do it when you are in the room? It's quite possible that they don't know it triggers your anxiety.
It's something that worries my son as well, as we live together he gets quite worried if I'm not snoring when I'm asleep!
Cheers, Midori