I am suffering from severe depression and anxiety. can't get myself to do the bare minimum. I font even enjoy things or get excited for anything. I am suffering from traumas
I am suffering from severe depression and anxiety. can't get myself to do the bare minimum. I font even enjoy things or get excited for anything. I am suffering from traumas
Hello LionPurple. Thank you for reaching out to the community. I’m also battling anxiety and depression and as well as other physical medical things! It’s very hard to fight all this. You’re not alone! We need each other
soooooooooo sorry for u both...all the pain and suffering and things done to u.....everyone here sends their love support and respects......glad ur with us - life very unfair to a lot o people tc ten billion group long hugs
thank you for everything <<33
I know it is hard, but, you must get up and do the minimum. Wash your face, make a cup of tea or coffee. Try to remember your value. You are valuable, you know. From experience I know if you do one small thing, that is progress.
Hi, I know it’s very hard but please don’t isolate. Try and get up and go out and meet people and try to be active. When a bout of anxiety flares up for me I just want to stay at home, not see anyone or even speak on the phone. I found that when start mixing and going out I start on the road to recovery.
Sorry to hear how you are feeling, I’ve been feeling this exact way, I’ve found that sometimes isolating myself makes it worse, so trying to go out with friends, family or even just going to your garden, getting fresh air can help a lot. Doing things you love can help also. So if you love singing, playing an instrument, if you love cooking, or if you are keen to learn a new language it could be a great time to work on a new hobby or enjoy something that you used to love. I started exercising again and my goal is to do it daily in my garden and I want to start singing on YouTube again as I used to love that, and I stopped many years ago. I need to revive my talent as I was much happier when I used to sing a lot. Hope this helps.
life for many here.....thousands here are immensely kind and loving ....welcome ....sooo many can relate.......u wil find the kindest of people here for u....not alone alone alone .........u are welcome here
this isnt from me....its from the entire group.......
you're the sweetest . thank you
The only thing that helped me during my breakdown was using the phone. I have a small group of peeps who would listen to me tell them over and over that I was sad and could barely get out of bed. Breathing was often the minimum of my capabilities.
You’re not alone here. We’re here to listen to you. And a lot of us can identify.
Finally my professional help and meds kicked in and provide me with a reasonable playing field today. I wish the same for you.