I’m struggling still had a melt down panic attacks all the weird feelings have come back. Trying to find a psychiatrist is impossible no one has any openings. Tired of the weird tight feelings that seem to only go down one arm it’s such a weird sensation and makes me instantly anxious and feel like something bad is about to happen. These damn headaches across the top of my brows and then go to the back of my head. Just am broken down. I’m at the bottom even though I was getting out of the house ugh.
Dark day: I’m struggling still had a... - Anxiety and Depre...
Dark day

Adam, the symptoms you describe are common symptoms of high anxiety: they are not unique to you, they are not going to harm your body and you are not going to feel like this for ever. Through understanding, reassurance and changing the way you respond to the symptoms you will find respite and recovery.
We all have different thresholds at which anxiety disorder kicks in. But too much worry and stress for too long can cause our nervous system to become highly sensitised and in this state we begin to suffer from bad feelings which include health anxiety, agoraphobia, depersonalisation, visual disturbances, nervous exhaustion and many more.
What stress factors got you into this state only you know. They include over work, toxic relationships, grief, guilt, money worries, loss and disappointment. If you can identify what triggered nervous sensitisation in your case then give priority to neutralising the problem even if this involves you taking drastic action and acting ruthlessly.
All the bad feelings and distressing symptoms you are experiencing are driven by fear: this releases hormones that cause the nervous sensitisation mentioned earlier. We can't help the flash of first fear but we can learn to control the second fear with which we react.
You see, fighting the bad feelings only makes matters worse: fighting causes more stress and strain, the last thing we need. So many self-help methods rely on training our mind to temporarily accept the bad feelings, in the full knowledge that they are toothless tigers that can do us no lasting harm. They are blips in our nervous system caused by our overloading it with too much stress.
So when the panic attack begins be prepared to accept it for the time being without reacting with second fear. Let it come like a huge wave that crashes against a rock on the shore and then retreats. Treat all those bad feelings, including the one that makes you feel something terrible is about to happen, in exactly the same way. Accept them for the moment. Breathe in slowly through your nose and when your lungs are full slowly breathe the air out through pursed lips. This produces mild natural tranquillising hormones which will help you to face the storm with acceptance.
There are many good self-help books about but in my opinion the best is titled "Hope and help for your nerves" by Doctor Claire Weekes. She first developed the acceptance method many years ago and in the book mentioned she sets her method out in simple to understand terms. Millions have recovered worldwide using her teachings and she has been described as 'the woman who cracked the anxiety code.'
I commend her book to you, written more than 50 years ago but still selling like the proverbial hot cookies. You can pick up a new or pre-owned copy for a few dollars on Amazon or Ebay.
Adam, if you only read one more book in your life, this is that book. I wish you God's speed in your journey back to good mental health.
This is an amazing post!
Im so sorry about that lots of kindness and support 🙏👊
I feel for ya. I now get tingling in my limbs and I never got that before. it can be frightening. I didn't have a good Wednesday either. Hope both of our tomorrows are better. Hope you find a psychiatrist soon ❤️🤞🏽 wishing a spot to open up for you 💖
Adam, I hope you are feeling better today and have managed to access something to help you...just remember that you are ill and do not have to feel bad about feeling bad ! We are all on here for the same reason really...support and advice. So post on here anytime and know that you are not alone. Best wishes to you.
Hi Adam. At your age and at different points in my life I have suffered as you and so many others on this site with anxiety and depression. You are not alone and I fully understand the hell you are going through at the moment. Jeff...God bless you for your words..they helped me and I took your advice and listened to Dr. Claire Weeks. She was an incredible human being and indeed explains the process of oversensitization in layman's terms. I add the following to this: go see your doctor to rule out any physical cause which might explain the way you are feeling, eat healthy well balanced meals...., try and meditate several times daily (difficult at first but with practice gets easier), do things you enjoy every day, and exercise....for me swimming, doing laps and aquafitness work a miracle on my nervous system. For you it might be taking a brisk walk, cycling, stretching, dancing....just as long as you get some pleasure/satisfaction from doing it. Say this to yourself as you breathe slowly and deeply: This too shall pass....Recovery is not a linear process....you will have good days bad days, good moments bad moments....learn to know yourself what are your triggers: noise? overstimulation? , too many people, unknown situations, taking the bus....whatever they are are they are part of what makes you the Wonderful Unique human being You Are....deserving of love, serenity and happiness.....I am with you in thought and prayer...please don't give up...just take it one hour at a time....
Good morning Adamj. You’re not alone my friend! You’re not alone. All of these things we are going through are difficult to deal with and we need each other to help us go through our lives. Wishing you the best today.
Hoping today is a better day for you Adam!
I found The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook by Bourne to be a life saver. I had horrible anxiety and panic attacks, but I pretty much have it under control thanks to this workbook and the occasional Xanax.