I can’t handle this anymore everyday - Anxiety and Depre...

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I can’t handle this anymore everyday

Adamj profile image
67 Replies

I really can’t handle the crazy feelings the weird sensation the not knowing where I am not feeling alive. It’s old I wake up every morning to my heart racing I get like a surge of something and then bam I wake up and my heart starts to race. Can’t handle how Zoloft is making me feel the weird shit that’s come back. I’m really afraid I have serotonin syndrome or something. I get no calm I haven’t for months. I want to feel just like an ounce of myself but I doubt that will ever happen. Maybe my life really is over

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Adamj profile image
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67 Replies
Raggedy-Ann profile image

Today will be tomorrow soon and you can call your dr. Maybe you need an anti-anxiety med to go with the Zoloft. Keep taking deep breaths when that anxiety kicks in maybe try a cold cloth on your neck.

Adamj profile image
Adamj in reply to Raggedy-Ann

the feeling are all the time deep breaths doesn’t do it for me

Starrlight profile image


Stippler profile image

Oh Adamj - so sorry you still are having these feelings. You are in my thoughts. Sending hugs.

Adamj profile image
Adamj in reply to Stippler

thank you I just am stuck with not knowing what to do

Stippler profile image
Stippler in reply to Adamj


b1b1b1 profile image

Are you still seeing a psychiatrist? Then, there is always the possibility of a trip to the Mayo Clinic. I feel that you still have a concern that there may be something physically wrong and it would be good if this concern could be resolved. x

Adamj profile image
Adamj in reply to b1b1b1

yes I’m still seeing a psychiatrist and I’m not sure a trip to the Mayo Clinic would really solve anything for me and I have no way there and would just add to the anxiety that there is something physically wrong

ashleybakerr01 profile image

I highly relate to what your feeling. Since i started my meds i linda feel worse right now. I rarely get calm moments and when i do its usually really bad after, like a downfall

Adamj profile image
Adamj in reply to ashleybakerr01

I’m sleeping so much don’t want to eat ugh

ashleybakerr01 profile image
ashleybakerr01 in reply to Adamj

Thats all ive been able to past few days. Sleep and barely eat..im not sure what to do. This is why i was afraid of getting on meds in first place, side effects and not feeling like me anymore. But I'm also afraid of stopping them again because possibly withdrawal or something. Makes me feel like a failure...like im not doing enough with my life😢

Adamj profile image
Adamj in reply to ashleybakerr01

yeah me too I was so desperate so I tried some and haven’t felt right since taking BUSPAR two months ago was on it for a month came off of it added to everything it’s just frustrating because I want to feel normal been dealing with all this shit since the beginning of march it’s so intense sometimes. I understand feeling like a failure I don’t think we are because some do not know the hell this is for us.

ashleybakerr01 profile image
ashleybakerr01 in reply to Adamj

Yea every day literally feels like a living hell right now. I've only been on my bed for 3 weeks tomorrow and each day feels worse right now. Im also fighting off a throat and sinus infection so it don't help. I want this pressure in my head to go away. Only way it will is for me to lay in bed, im 21..i dont wanna spend life in bed 😴 its too draining

Adamj profile image
Adamj in reply to ashleybakerr01

yeah I’m 22 didn’t want to be spending the last 6 months like this ugh it’s just gotten so intense now have my mom screaming at me that I need to just snap out of it

ashleybakerr01 profile image
ashleybakerr01 in reply to Adamj

my mom gets on to me too a lot, it's really aggravating because like I'm trying my best not to go down that Road Again, but I just don't feel good or like myself lately

ashleybakerr01 profile image
ashleybakerr01 in reply to Adamj

I make myself get out of bed at least a few times a day tho anf eat something small like once or twice. I don't want to go back down the road i had to fight so hard out of, wasn't eating at all or anything

Joshgw profile image

im really sorry to hear that. Zoloft really screwed me up too. I think i lasted 5 days on it. Every day was worse than the day before it and it really made me Suicidal. My suggestion is that you call your psychiatrist and switch to something else. Your life is not over, even if it feels that way. Ive had Suicidal ideation for more years than i could count, but im still here. Yes, ive been in your shoes where i thought my life is over i dont know how many times, but like i said, im still here.

Adamj profile image
Adamj in reply to Joshgw

Thank you I will definitely call them tomorrow. Sometimes I wonder if serotonin is actually my issue

Joshgw profile image
Joshgw in reply to Adamj

it could be. You could try Meds that are dopamine

Adamj profile image
Adamj in reply to Joshgw

like what?

Joshgw profile image

I think wellbutrin is only dopamine, but there are others too. Just ask yourDr, or Google it

Disneybrain profile image

hi, I’m sorry your having this happen. It’s easy for me to tell you slow breaths and try to take your mind/thoughts to one of your happy places. I know how hard it can be to do these simple things in the middle of your ordeal. I hope you can try.

May you be blessed with a peaceful sleep tonight.

Adamj profile image
Adamj in reply to Disneybrain

thank you just frustrating anymore

lovemydoggy profile image

I’ve been through the same thing. For me I finally found a med that worked. There are SNRI’s as well as SSRI’s like Zoloft. There are also the antipsychotic meds. I didn’t want to, but recently added a small dose of Seroquel because I felt myself headed to a scary place again. Don’t give up. You can find a med or med cocktail that works!! I know it’s hell. It will pass.

Dolphin14 profile image

My doctor questioned the beginning of serotonin syndrome when I was on Prozac. It was ordered by an MD that retired and I saw her at the 2 week mark and she stopped it immediately. It really was a horror. I can't imagine what full blown SS would feel like


Adamj profile image
Adamj in reply to Dolphin14

yeah I’m starting to wonder if it’s happening to me some weird things have been happening

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to Adamj

Call your doctor first thing.

RayannAbbey profile image
RayannAbbey in reply to Dolphin14

what did the dr do for you with ss? I have had citalopram for 19 days then sertraline for 4 days then stopped for 3 days before flouxetine for 8 days. Can’t stand the side effects so had to stop. Feel so shaky jittery anxious etc

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to RayannAbbey


It was suspected that the symptoms were probably seratontin syndrome. However I was not sick enough to be on the hospital. They symptoms resolved when the Med was discontinued .

Did you speak with your Dr?


RayannAbbey profile image
RayannAbbey in reply to Dolphin14

Yes he told me to stop the tablets on Monday which l did . Just feel so shaky, anxious, jittery and chest heaviness. How did you feel?

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to RayannAbbey

Drink lots of fluid.

I felt like I was jumping out of my skin. Restless, sporadic unintentional movements of my legs. Profuse sweating Nausea, severe heart burn,

I'm sure there was more... it was a nightmare

RayannAbbey profile image
RayannAbbey in reply to Dolphin14

that’s exactly like me !!!! How long until it subsided?

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to RayannAbbey

I'm thinking about a week for everything to resolve. But symptoms lessened in severity each day

If you think this is what you are presenting with you need to give your Dr a call and run your symptoms by him/her. Please be safe

RayannAbbey profile image
RayannAbbey in reply to Dolphin14

thank you so much for your help. My dr saw me and thought it was the anxiety!! But l know my body and my legs jumping around and weakened muscles wasn’t normal.

RayannAbbey profile image
RayannAbbey in reply to RayannAbbey

can l ask if you take anything now?

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to RayannAbbey

Yes I'm on veneflexine.... SNRI

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to RayannAbbey

I would just call again. Come right out and ask, that's what I would do.

RayannAbbey profile image
RayannAbbey in reply to Dolphin14

thank you so much

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to RayannAbbey

If you think of it and have time let me know how you made out.

Sending you healing vibes

RayannAbbey profile image
RayannAbbey in reply to Dolphin14

l will do and thank you so much. I never had this much anxiety before the meds!!

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to RayannAbbey

Some just don't mix with our chemistries. I never have a problem hounding a doctor. Please advocate for yourself. It's better to be wrong than to miss something

RayannAbbey profile image
RayannAbbey in reply to Dolphin14

thank you. What did they do for you with it?

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to RayannAbbey

Nothing was changed other than stopping the med. It was decided that I reported early and it may have been a mild case. Obviously if I didn't make that phone call to discuss it things may have gotten worse. They did check my blood pressure and pulse. Slight elevation but not too bad.

I'm a big believer in hydration to rid the system of things so I drank tons of water for days.

RayannAbbey profile image
RayannAbbey in reply to Dolphin14

thank you. I had a heart check up as my pulse was very fast but said it was anxiety at the hospital. Did you have anything before the Prozac?

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to RayannAbbey

Yes I was on Zoloft for years. It stopped working. So I was changed to Prozac.

I'm glad you had a heart check up. That's good to hear.

RayannAbbey profile image
RayannAbbey in reply to Dolphin14

I went last Friday and was told to carry on with tabs . I saw dr monday and stopped them. Did you swap straight over or wait ? Did you get insomnia ?

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to RayannAbbey

I waited until those symptoms were gone.

Insomnia has been a part of my life long before this incident. However I do know when I did nod off I was waking up with my crazy limb movements.

Good you touched base those two times with the md. Just thinking to the fact that the weekend is coming and some docs can be hard to reach you might want to get that call in to review the last couple days

RayannAbbey profile image
RayannAbbey in reply to Dolphin14

before you had the Prozac . Did you go straight from Zoloft to it .

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to RayannAbbey


RayannAbbey profile image
RayannAbbey in reply to Dolphin14

thank you. Did your heartburn subside? Did you get a dry mouth with it?

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to RayannAbbey

The heart burn was bad. Nothing worked for it. Then I googled a home remedy which was apple cider vinegar and it worked. It went away after a few days stopping the Med

Yes I did have dry mouth

RayannAbbey profile image
RayannAbbey in reply to Dolphin14

did the dry mouth stop too? Thank you for your help.

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to RayannAbbey

Yes it did. You are welcome.

RayannAbbey profile image
RayannAbbey in reply to Dolphin14

thank you so much

RayannAbbey profile image
RayannAbbey in reply to Dolphin14

can l ask you if you woke up in a panic after you first stopped Prozac

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to RayannAbbey

I was just thinking of you and was going to ask how you were.

I was feeling the panic while I was in it. It did persist for a bit after I stopped

RayannAbbey profile image
RayannAbbey in reply to Dolphin14

thank you so much. I woke up after a good sleep with panic. I haven’t had a tablet for four days so do you think it could be the withdrawals? I had panic on them and lots of other side effects

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to RayannAbbey

Anything is possible with meds. I've had issues going off and on everything I've put in my body.

Prozac was the worst thing for me. So personally I'm not surprised you are feeling something,

Did you reach out to your MD

RayannAbbey profile image
RayannAbbey in reply to Dolphin14

lm seeing a private counsellor to help . I struggle with ad as l can’t cope with the side effects. three different ads in a month l seriously thought l was losing my mind. Have you ever tried natural remedies at all?

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to RayannAbbey

I tried magnesium years ago and some other powders I added to protein shakes. None of that worked for me.

I'm glad you are seeing a counselor. Don't give up, keep at it,

RayannAbbey profile image
RayannAbbey in reply to Dolphin14

thank you so much. I really appreciate your support.

RayannAbbey profile image
RayannAbbey in reply to RayannAbbey

did you take magnesium with your meds?

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to RayannAbbey

You are very welcome. Sharing experiences helps

You can PM any time let me know how you are doing


RayannAbbey profile image
RayannAbbey in reply to Dolphin14

thank you so much. I hope you are well too. X do you think it would be ok for me to take magnesium now?

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to RayannAbbey

I'm doing well thank you. I don't think it would hurt. I try not to do two things at once

Example.... coming off Prozac and adding magnesium at the same time. This is just how my mind works... how do I know which med is doing what in my system

I'm a one thing at a time woman. It's just how I roll.

Check the label on the magnesium.

RayannAbbey profile image
RayannAbbey in reply to Dolphin14

yes l totally understand. Thank you.

Frankie24 profile image

You need to get in touch with your Dr. and talk about the medication. This could be the cause but I also wonder if you suffer from anxiety. When I had real bad anxiety I felt the symptoms you describe. Please talk to your doctor. I wish you the best.👍

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