So I have to miss therapy because of my stupid job. If I don't see them I don't have anyone else to talk to, at least not about me. So I thought I'd post here.
I will start a new job after I finish the week at my current crappie job, I have mixed emotions. I don't enjoy the work at all, I swore to myself, no matter what, after I finished my degree program I wouldn't be pressured into taking a job in this field. Well, I need a job and the pay is good.
I’m sitting here feeling lonely and hopeless. This isn't how it was supposed to go for me, I had big dreams. I studied hard, put in the work, and now I'm still at home staying in the same town I swore to escape. I can see it happening already I'm falling down the rabbit hole. Sinking deeper and deeper. I promised I’d be something, but I’m still nothing. And before I get the comments about how I’m worthy and somebody I know I'm not. I'm no one. Sometimes I think that nobody would notice if I wasn't here, the worst part? I know only three people that would even care at all.
My parents don't get it. My dad commented when I mentioned missing therapy that after I start the new job I won’t need therapy because I’ll be too tired to be depressed. And my mom, she told me to just be happy for once, that she couldn't understand why it (my anxiety depression) comes out when I should be happy.
I hate everything right now. I wish I had someone to talk to.