I’ve been feeling really down lately. This whole incident with my sister and her children is just making me anxious. I still cannot believe that an incident to do with my Dads home care (it’s her father and their grandfather too) resulted in them taking it so personal. Yes it was my nephews girlfriend who was the worker. She had a full week off. It’s week on week off anyway. She requested for 4 more days off which she received meaning she’d have to work 3 and off for another week. On her first day back she contacted the other worker with a “proposal”. Number 1 she was told to go through the company we work with for Dads home care for time off. Number 2, just because she’s dating family doesn’t mean she gets special treatment.
I did get angry and tell her about it. But it was about the work. Nothing personal. She turned my family against me and I’ll always see it that way. I’m hurt and I’m angry and I’m not sure how to deal with it.
I’m anxious all day when I get a message or a call afraid it’s one of them. They’re very confrontational and that’s just not me. I’m scared I’m gonna run into them. It all makes me sick to my stomach. They twisted everything to make themselves the victims.
My sister hasn’t asked about Dad. They post on social media about family should be there for each other (blood or not) and that they’d fight for their family but I feel it’s ridiculous because I’m actually family so they’re just picking and choosing who they want as family and who to respect and care about.
I’m in a lot of turmoil over this and feel like I’m being punished. I didn’t do anything wrong. Nothing.