So fearful of Covid and people who di... - Anxiety and Depre...

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So fearful of Covid and people who di not mask and social distance

20 Replies

I have been vaccinated at the first date that was available to me, but have been so very terrified during this pandemic. I rarely go out and if must to doctor or other absolute necessity, always mask and social distance . I get angry at anyone who does not and I have panic and anxiety til I am back in my car and home away from everyone who refuses to take mitigation steps. Why are people so dumb?

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20 Replies
Hb2003 profile image

OMG I’m the same I get so mad at people

Blueruth profile image

Good question. I think it goes down in the list of confounding human behavior. I get the ones that are fearful but the longer it is out there the less fear there is. I hope the fear of losing a job helps with the others.

I am so tired and anxious from all this.

I cannot understand why one would not do the mitigation steps of mask and social distance, so easy, so simple and maybe keep someone from dying or going through horrible illness, overloading our healthcare system, it is just ignorant

Blueruth profile image

Cool story today … that’s how you do it!“After the rapper Nicki Minaj questioned the efficacy of the Covid-19 vaccine in a Twitter post this week, the White House confirmed on Wednesday that it had offered her a call with a doctor to answer questions about the safety of the vaccine.”

Downandout123 profile image

Why? Because they don't care. Period. I am in the process of selling my home. I am fully vaccinated. But I had to have the realtor and 2 buyers come to my house to see what they wanted. So I open the door wearing a mask, ( even though I am fully vaccinated), and there stood 3 people UNMASKED!!! You would THINK that by seeing me wearing a mask, they would offer to put one on. NOPE. And the realtor-she should know better.🙄

Downandout123 profile image

Hopefully there won't be a next time!

Midori profile image
Midori in reply to Downandout123

I suggest a call to the realtor would be in order. Covid hasn't finished with us yet!

b1b1b1 profile image

What was the difference in your ages?

Various ages. Why? Also, people are so unbelievably ignorant about how to wear a mask. Many leave their nose uncovered....DUH.

Midori profile image

Many thousands of folk are in denial, and your leaders haven't helped, with all the conspiracy theories flying around on the mainstream Media.

I live in a vacation area in the Southwest of Wales, and I am so glad the holiday season is ending because of precisely this. The tourists are mainly gone, but there has been quite an uptick in Covid infections which they have left behind.

Our locals are sensible, but the tourists seem to think if they leave home for a vacation it all goes away! Drives me nuts!

I'm double jabbed, but I still mask when I leave the house to shop.

Cheers, Midori

Blueruth profile image
Blueruth in reply to Midori

One place I exercise at asked for proof. If you code not to provide it you can still attend but you have to wear a mask. I’m really glad they did that. I would wear a mask again but there is a trade off in this case. In the supermarket for sure.

Mrspjsmom profile image

Glad you are vaccinated. I share your feelings especially since my husband and children are front line workers. Keep wearing your mask and socially distance. Where I live masks are required again when you are indoors. I try to go to stores when they aren't busy. If you google a store they often show their peak hours. Unfortunately people are misinformed and don't like being told what to do. I don't think that will change anytime soon. But I refuse to put my life on hold any longer. I actually got a bunch of masks then took a Sharpie and wrote what I thought of people who continue to perpetuate this virus. I felt better after that but my husband wouldn't let me wear them in public. Keep doing what you're doing. It sounds like you are keeping yourself safe. HUGS!!!

Midori profile image
Midori in reply to Mrspjsmom

As a retired Nurse, I get in line for any jabs going! and I'm used to masks from nursing.

Thank you MrsPjsmom. It is such a very scary time.

Mrspjsmom profile image
Mrspjsmom in reply to

Hope it helped a bit.

Blueruth profile image

I did a part time census gig where I knocked on doors for the government last summer. Wore a mask of course. A few times elderly people..clearly high risk, answered the door maskless. One time a drunk person invaded my space. I am not aware of any census employee outbreaks though. I think remaining outside with a mask was pretty safe.

Weatherwoman profile image

I live in the USA, and bet it's even worse here with people not following the guide lines of wearing masks, social distancing, washing hands, etc. even though vaccinated. I have been pointing the above out to people not waring masks & they tell me they are vaccinated, give me dirty looks, & just say I'm a "Nervous Nelly!" Well, I do suffer from Anxiety, & am quite nervous; but, in this case following some precautions is common sense. There are A lot of people who just don't care & are ignorant...

in reply to Weatherwoman

I too live in the USA and while our country is great, the people seems to have become less and less educated through the years. Seems their IQ must have dropped so much. Very sadto see people so apathetic and ignorant.

jeffersonsam99 profile image

Sad to hear your story, but this is a fact, because several people are vaccinated, so they are all simply avoid the covid -19 prevention rules and regulation. This will makes so many bad effects in the future. So, people should be careful to follow the covid prevention steps, until this virus far away from this earth.

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