One week I dropped and broke 4 different ceramics. I’m not usually clumsy. Then a bit after that all in one day I dropped 3 foods on the floor. Weird like why. I never used to be a dropper. Anyway things in general are just so weird lately. My relationships are all screwed up well 2 of them are bothering me. And I will be blessing the house because we have unwanted spirits. One touched my youngest the other day pissed me off and that’s it no more.
The kids start school tomorrow but not really because I cannot seem to find any of the virtual info such as schedules and I sssume they will send a link through email tomorrow but like the site is all blank. I call I email I search I reach out to ask others I am tired stressed done for now. And now one of my sons can’t even log into his computer
I know such fun I am. But let’s see I have also been having a bit of fun at times I guess having a friend over to stay with my family from the west coast (I’m on east). It’s just hard though hard to let go hard to be myself thinking I might embarrass myself my husband might make fun of me because he’s been up to that lately. I need to be bigger stronger but I am tired not too tired to stand up that tall right now I can anx will but it’ll take all I’ve got left. Good news Dolphin 🐬 will love this- I’m going shopping tonight! I have to return an outfit. Well I was planning on returning it yes but maybe I’ll return it fooooooor SOMETHING! I’m so bad. Man I just spent like 3 or so hours trying to find answers to and writing to the school about issues I’m having I’m just done.
Aaaaaaand I got my vaccine and it’s giving me brain fog .... will it go away? It’s day 3.
Aaaaaaaand I might have to go off benzos.
And I’m weird. I just am ohh well I don’t care really. Everyone is. This world universe is. Its just that I’m noticing that it’s extra.