My family has a headcold right now. Husband and oldest were COVID tested, came back negative. They caught it first. Youngest and I caught it Tuesday of last week. I have lung disease so I always worry things like this will quickly turn into pneumonia for me. I have really been working on my health anxiety and trying to remain calm and positive throughout this. I had a lot of post nasal drip Tuesday through Friday. Yesterday, I felt pretty good but started to have a cough around 4pm last night. I took a benydral before bed because I had weird tickle in my throat that was stopping me from sleeping. My husband suggested I take a Mucinex today to hopefully break up whatever congestion is left and get it out of my system today. I took the Mucinex and now feel pretty tired. I am trying very hard to stay calm and not rush off for a chest xray. I am fine. My breathing feels like it is close to baseline. I can take a deep breath. My pulse ox is normal.
Good news: My husband and oldest are feeling much better. The youngest says he feels fine but I think he was just tired of me putting vicks on him every hour.
I hope everyone has a great day.