Was at a friends house , he was throwing a smal bouncy ball he had just found in his room , he accidentally slammed the ball straight to the back of my head , it wasnt that painful and its a pretty small ball
But my anxiety started , it wasnt terrible i still had a fun day and tried to not think about something without seeing actual symptoms , its been 7 hours and nothing happened , felt kinda tired in between , but then felt refreshed when we started playing boardgames, now im afraid to sleep worrying that something might be wrong , i just hate this about myself, i can have 30 clues saying im fine and be 99.99999% sure im fine but still have that lingering thought that im a rare case that something bad will happen , im so scared all the time , i dont want to sleep and im sleepy its 2am and i just fixed my sleep schedule i feel so pissed at myself