Therapist Update: I had a visit with my... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Therapist Update

alfreddy7 profile image
32 Replies

I had a visit with my therapist this morning for the 1st time in months.

I think it went ok. She gave me some points what to do when I’m feeling anxiety and some tips what to do when I’m feeling depressed.

Most of them which I already knew.

So even though she is a great person. She is still trying to push medication on me.

I know they help people but for me it’s just a personal choice and don’t feel comfortable taking them. Even after I told her that she still trying to push them on me.

I guess other than that the appointment went well and covered a few things from before.

Hope you’re all having a great day

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alfreddy7 profile image
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32 Replies
Hb2003 profile image

Hello so sorry that happened i had a bad day today but that will change soon

alfreddy7 profile image
alfreddy7 in reply to Hb2003

Hi hiba

How are you feeling?


Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to alfreddy7

I’m feeling better ☺️

alfreddy7 profile image
alfreddy7 in reply to Hb2003

Just watch some Sword Art Online and you will feel even better.

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to alfreddy7

True ☺️

Roxylox profile image

Alfredfy, If youre doing alright without medication then its very wrong of her to be trying to push it on you. You stick to what you think suits you. As you say, it is your choice.

alfreddy7 profile image
alfreddy7 in reply to Roxylox

Hi roxylox,

I feel like I’m slowly making progress on my own.

I’m not at 100% but I’m in a better place than where I was 6 months ago. Which even she noticed.

I’m just not a medication person, and that’s mainly cause of other health issues I have.

Roxylox profile image

I dont believe in taking too much of it either, only what's very necessary. I think too many meds just make you tired, not taking away from people who are happy to take them and need a certain combination. I am also a person extra prone to side affects.I am lucky to have a psychiatrist who doesnt push anything other than is necessary.

Im always dreading I will some day meet one of his team who might have a different attitude. I would stick to my guns even then though. I would not want to be on a higher dose.

Overall though you seem to be doing pretty well. Onwards and upwards.

alfreddy7 profile image
alfreddy7 in reply to Roxylox

Hi Roxy,

Same with me. My psychiatrist didn’t push the meds on me either. Which is great and I do like her. She also didn’t think I was depressed either.

Which I don’t feel like I am. Maybe I do lack motivation and I’ve always been a lazy person that prefers sleep :)

And thank you for noticing. I do feel much better.

Sometimes I feel like I get better therapy from this group than with an actual therapist ❤️

Roxylox profile image
Roxylox in reply to alfreddy7

I have never been to a therapist , but l never tire of saying how much good this group has done for me. I totally get your point about just being a person who needs lots of sleep. That would always have been normal for me too.

Motivation can also be hard to find for me too. It takes discipline which l dont have a lot of. I have all the good intentions of creating structures and meeting goals ,and after a short time, l fall by the wayside again. I think we need more determination and steely resolve.

alfreddy7 profile image
alfreddy7 in reply to Roxylox

Yeah I have nothing against my therapist I know she’s a sweet lady and means good.

I’m happy you’re doing good. Discipline also runs in my family. Discipline and Motivation but only from my dads side. Lol

Although my mom is more laidback I feel like I got the couch potato genes from her. Lol

I appreciate you replying to me Roxy it made me feel a lot better ❤️

mentalcase profile image

I have to take medicine because I have severe depression and without it I will have a breakdown. I tried different meds through the years and they work for awhile then quit. I'm searching for other options. I tried CBD tincture and it helped my depression but I'm having other medical problems and thought it might be that so I got off it. I won't know if it was that or not until the surgeon does tests on me. I also have an appointment for gene testing which tells you what medicines will help you, and the dosage, or what medicine won't work for you. I'm really excited to try this to see if it will help me. I don't want to do shock therapy but I'm desperate because I'm tired if being depressed every day.

TangledUpIn profile image
TangledUpIn in reply to mentalcase

When will you get genetic testing? Im very interested in that and would love any details.

mentalcase profile image
mentalcase in reply to TangledUpIn

The 11th

alfreddy7 profile image
alfreddy7 in reply to mentalcase

Hi mental case.

I also have a friend that was suffering from Anxiety and PTSD. He started taking CBD as well and he is a lot better now.

As for me I did try CBD for my anxiety but I had no changes. But I do believe I was taking a very small dose so I might try it again with a higher dose.

Also there is nothing wrong with Shock therapy.

If it works then it might be worth it for you.

mentalcase profile image
mentalcase in reply to alfreddy7

Nothing except for possibly losing your memory and sometimes it could be permanently. No thank you.

mentalcase profile image
mentalcase in reply to alfreddy7

I'm going to wait until I see the surgeon and see what's causing my health problems before I try it again, but it was helping my depression.

Next time she pushes the meds ask her to see some literature on how to safely remove the drug from your system.

She will tell you “taper down slowly”.

How slow!?

There is no literature on these drugs to get off, only to get on.

It is not pretty.

How many travelers on this site are on their 10th, 15th medication for anxiety or depression...

And they are still suffering and seeking refuge.

Food for thought friend!

in reply to

I agree with you Pittiedad. I was put on a medication at 24 which I have never been able to get off of. all the research money goes into new drugs. No one is interested in researching how to get off of them.

alfreddy7 profile image
alfreddy7 in reply to

Not to mention the stigma on mental health.No one bats an eye at it.

And yes all the money goes to making more drugs but not an actual cure. Which is most medication here in America.

in reply to

The meds I was just on took me almost a year to drop and I still feel super sensitive ever since. I was on that one for 3 years. I didn’t realize how powerful they can be till I got angry and stopped taking them the first time. Life lesson learned....don’t cold turkey snri’s.

in reply to

Yes. Don’t even go slowly too quickly! 😆. It’s a nasty lesson to learn but I too learned it!

mentalcase profile image
mentalcase in reply to

Are you talking about me????

mentalcase profile image
mentalcase in reply to mentalcase

As for me, there is no cure for my depression, it's clinical.

in reply to mentalcase

No but if the shoe fits feel free to lace it up?

News flash.

I have “clinical” depression too.

There is no cure for mine either...regardless of what your ego thinks.

I think of death at the drop of a hat too friend.

I’ve also been on enough different pharmaceuticals in my life to have an OPINION.

And enough blood on my family tree.

I feel that elders on this site offer up relief in meds to young people scared and alone when those elders don’t even feel relief from the same meds they rave about.

You may have the stage now......

mentalcase profile image
mentalcase in reply to

What got your feathers in an uproar? On here everyone is entitled to their opinion without others belittling them.

in reply to mentalcase kind of seemed to confront me asking me if I was “talking about you”.

I don’t talk about people.

I talk about things that may or may not workthst I’ve seen people do or have done myself.

For some reason you seemed to come at me as if I was specifically speaking about you.

I wasn’t.

I’m no bully friend, just a dog that bites when cornered.

Rafiki11 profile image

I’m not sure why a therapist is trying to push medication on you? That sounds like the realm of a psychiatrist or other MD.

How are you functioning in your life weekly?

I have to take medication because I have excessive crying spells. It affects my functioning. I don’t like medication and I’d like to get to a point where I can use “natural” strategies to enable me to function without medication.

alfreddy7 profile image
alfreddy7 in reply to Rafiki11

Hi rafiki

Yeah it is the second time seeing her and she still wanting me to try meds. On top of that she did all the talking during the appointment and 80% of the talk is things I already knew.

I believe for myself I’m doing well. I eat, I walk, I play with my pets, play video games. Go to the park sometimes.

I do have some bad days just like anyone but they pass.

I believe you can achieve it rafiki if I made it this far without medication, you can do it too. It just takes more work. But it’s very possible and other members here will tell you the same ❤️

Rafiki11 profile image
Rafiki11 in reply to alfreddy7

She may just not be a good fit for you.

I agree with you! A lot of depression and anxiety can be healed naturally. I will get to a point that I won’t need medication. I just need to keep working on self care (yoga, massage, therapy….).

A lot of what is referred to as chemical imbalance is emotional dysregulation that is often caused by trauma. With work, this can be healed.

I had a bad childhood. I pushed everything down and moved on with my life. I have a good adulthood. However, becoming a mom caused all of those thoughts and feelings to erupt violently and without warning.

The medication helped me stabilize and regain focus and sort out what was happening in me.

alfreddy7 profile image
alfreddy7 in reply to Rafiki11

Hi Rafiki11

I know it can be done naturally because I believe all it takes is to re-wire the brain. I believe, and this is just my theory that everyone in the world can be Depressed or Anxious. We are just on a higher level.

What also can help us natura supplements, I know they work because I suffer from ulcerative colitis. I started taking a herbal supplement that is a god send for me.

Glad you’re doing better. I know being a mom is very hard. I’m not a father yet but hopefully in the near future I will be.

Again rafiki always nice talking to you ❤️

Rafiki11 profile image
Rafiki11 in reply to alfreddy7

I agree. I think about a car. It is supposed to be able to shift easily between gears. We just get stuck in one gear for too long. Stuck off (depression) or stuck on (anxiety). Gradually, we learn to shift more naturally between breaking, cruising, and speeding so we don’t get stuck in one for too long.

I’ve decreased my lexapro because I’m tired of the dreams it causes and I’m not working now so stress is lower. I’ve started lavender everything to try to relax myself more naturally. 🤣

I’m planning to start turmeric soon to help with inflammation.

I enjoy being a mom. I never wanted anything more. But becoming a mom made me realize how much my mom let me down. I had kinda given her a free pass since my dad was the abusive one. But once I became a mom, I realized she emotionally neglected me and taught me some false truths.

You’re going to be an awesome father! You are very empathetic.

I enjoy talking to you, too!

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