Well a couple of months ago I wrote about getting a hysterectomy due to having endometriosis and adenomyosis. Well when the Dr. opened me up apparently she found nothing at all however she still went ahead and did the surgery. Now my husband is driving me crazy because he’s like you shouldn’t of had the surgery.. you shouldn’t let the doctors open you up and operate on you just because.. He’s even driving me crazy about when we ever eventually get back to having sex he thinks it’s gonna suck because I don’t have a cervix anymore.. Like I need all this extra stress right now.. okay I’m done with my rant I just needed to let off some steam!!
Surgery update: Well a couple of months... - Anxiety and Depre...
Surgery update

I'm sorry Dolphfan47, I agree you don't need this additional stress. I'm glad you did come
here to blow off some steam. I just saw you post now. Are you healing okay? Do you have
a therapist that you can talk to about this issue? This was a physical surgery that has
seemed to have left your husband with emotional anger that he is putting on you.
It's not fair, it's not fair at all. I care dear xx
I don’t talk to my therapist again until Tuesday which I will mention everything to her also. It just makes me mad because instead of supporting me when I really need it right now he’s to busy making me feel bad.. it just sucks I don’t go back to see the doctor until sometime in February for my follow up.. but thank you for caring this is the only place that I feel that I can express my concerns..
Dolphfan, we all need someone to lean on at times. Sometimes life isn't that
accommodating in giving us what we need. What I do, I use meditation and quiet
time for myself. Afterall if we don't love ourselves first, everyone can walk all over
us. I'm sure if the situation were reversed, your husband would expect you to support
him. We're always here for you. Stay strong so you can heal well. xx
From what I’ve been told the only positive way to know if you have endometriosis is surgery. Your doctor wouldn’t have suggested it if he didn’t feel it necessary. He should be a little more supportive. Self care is extremely important right now. Take the time you need to heal and get support from your therapist. ❤️
oh boy that’s a lot to deal with. Rough enough that you went through a major surgery like that. Look at what you’ve been dealing with, but he’s worried about it ruining physical engagement. How frustrating!!! Deep breaths. Don’t let it over get to you. Your health comes first. He’s being ridiculous. Is ur recovery going well otherwise?
I’m dealing so far.. I take the belly band off during the day to let my incisions breathe.. I’m having a pulling sensation and pain on my left side (where one incision is at) my middle incision is really bruised I’m assuming she took my uterus and cervix out through that incision.. I’m getting some sleep but it’s not enough it is what it’s though. Still on pain meds.. but over all I’m dealing I’m walking everyday so that’s a plus and I’ve gotten out of the house two days already.. Thanks for asking. I know my post is negative but I’m really being honest I’m truly in pain and I’m just dealing..
🙏🏻Dolphin, you’re a bad ass. It’s major surgery. Literally a c section recovery. The pulling sensation might be the internal stitching. They tend to pull them tighter in some spots. And the muscles too. Keep up the walking and try to eat well. Prayers up.
I'm at a loss for words regarding your husbands response. I know it's not easy but try and block him out, walk away if you can
As far as post op it sounds like you are killing it! Getting up and about is key Take the meds as ordered and you will get through this. It's a big surgery and you need time to heal
I'm so glad you came here to vent and do it all you want. We need support through the tough times
Sending you positive healing vibes