Should I Keep Applying for Jobs? - Anxiety and Depre...

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Should I Keep Applying for Jobs?

12 Replies

I applied for two jobs and had two interviews. The first job was such a terrible environment that I was really hoping I got the second job. I got the second job. Then the manager had to let me go for reasons. It hit me so hard. I just was like wow the rejection just made me feel like a failure and I had got brand new clothes for the interview (they were from the goodwill so fairly cheap but still ´▽` (also first time thriving and I loved it !)) I had already planned how I was going to go to have a schedule. I had even told the whole church I got the second job (well I didn't somebody else did without telling me they were about to) and the church gave me $50 to spend on getting my uniform and I felt so bad. so embarrassed I didn't even want to go to church on Sunday because I was so embarrassed.

I was sad for a week and being rejected from those jobs just made me feel horrible. I'm worried that if I don't get the jobs I applied for it will hurt me way more this time than it did the last.

I don't know I know that a lot of people are without jobs right now.

But I don't know if it is something I want to risk spiraling down over.

Sorry, i have no friends so i just accept advice from anybody willing to give.

12 Replies

Hi, I understand . With things as uncertain as they are currently, it's natural to feel like you are feeling. Job interview , even the application process can trigger anxiety. Do you have a way that you rely on to reduce stress and anxiety in other situations?

Have you thought about asking the employers that turned you down for feedback as to why they didn't offer you the position or what they thought were both your strong and week points from your interviews were?

hang in there. If you need a break from job hunting if you need too. No sense adding to your stress right now.


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Really I try to just breathe through the stressful situations and keep myself in the reality before I start to overthink and make the bad worse. No, I didn't ask them why but I will reach out now so I can try to do better in my next interview. Thanks, I didn't think of that.

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You're very welcome. I hope things work out for you.

kenster1 profile image

I would be a hypocrite if I said yes but the rejection really gets me down so it puts me off.I`ve had rejection for jobs but know people with virtually no experience as young as 16 in the company that keeps rejecting me but it`s a learning process even the disappointment maybe just apply for jobs in short bursts like 5 at a time then leave it for a couple of weeks even get help updating your CV but one thing I do say is research the company if your lucky enough getting an interview because they usually ask what you know about the company.

Hello girl. I can be your internet friend. Nice people on here. And your not alone.

Wear your new cloths. Dress for success. Abs if you wanna go to church go. You can tell the church you went abs they let you go because of administration issues or something.

It’s good you go to church and have a social support.

Bad environments can affect your Heath. I’m glad your strong enough to know what is healthy abs what’s not.

You will find the right job for you. We all have been rejected. I have been rejected by bfs and friends, jobs and experiences. I learned that because I believe in the universe and Devine timing that every th ing falls into place. Every failure is the next step up to my success.

There are many videos on YouTube. Inspirational ones. You will see a man being declined a job offer and later in the film, we see the man seeing the interviewer. The man shakes the hand of the interviewer and says “ I’m glad you denied me the job” I started my own business. I made x amount this year after expenses and I just bought my dream car. He bought it in cash.

Be positive. The universe closes doors and opens the right ones for us. Sometimes we need to go through the crappy doors and experience crappy people and experiences to enjoy what’s is good next for us

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Thank you for this motivation! I really needed to see this.

LindaBee123 profile image

Barb, you are not alone in this. In fact, I used to be a recruiter (helped people find work), so I know all about this stuff. Did you know that on average, most people will need to have at least 20 interviews before getting 1 job offer? And to get those 20 interviews, you need to send out approximately 100 resumes! There is NOTHING wrong with you! Also, with so many people being out of work and competing for the same jobs, it has become much harder. Please do not get discouraged. You seem smart and kind...the businesses that passed on hiring you are the ones that are losing!

in reply to LindaBee123

Thank you for that. I didn't even think about how others are struggling as much with this too!

catch_the_music profile image

Yep. I have been through crazy job hunting as well. There are so many reasons why people don't get jobs - all you can do is present your best self. Does your church have a job seekers group or prayer group? Have them pray over your job hunt. Stay positive in the meantime - maybe pickup some volunteer work to keep you active. Who knows - it may lead to a new career. God Bless!

I am so sorry and I can completely relate. I've been out of full-time work since 2012 when I got laid off from my actual career job as an environmental scientist. I don't know why they call it getting "laid off" because there was no chance of returning to work. It's the same as being fired except I got unemployment for a year. I have had some gig work and just a few weeks ago got a full-time contractual, seasonal job but evidently they have no work for me yet. I tried calling our local vocational center and they never got back to me, and their voice mail is usually full anyhow, I just lucked out one day but for nothing. Honestly, if you're in the U.S., things are terrible for a whole lot of people because of "right to work" states, where they can fire you for no reason at all. And there's no recourse in non-right to work states either, because corporations have all the power right now. I know that's politics but things really need to change. I had to stop looking for a little while also, because it can be stressful. If you're in the U.S., there's a website called Rat Race Rebellion which has lots of leads, and many of them are remote jobs.

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You should start your own business and maybe start a movement for the inequalities in USA. What about another career?

I was working in a lawfirm and had to quit after four years in 2014 because of my panic attacks. I never found a job in the area of law again. I moved into brand promotions. Some how. Dinky jobs but easy money compared to that law job. Now I’m almost done a degree in a a different field. The funny thing is I’m heading in September to my masters.

Your a scientist. This is awesome. It means you can do anything because you can research, use stats to figure out your next move, and you are educated which means you are smart.

I’m excited to hear from both of you. I know soon or a later you will see why the door blocked specific jobs. Likewise, it is 2021 abs I never got back into the law office again. I applied and went on many interviews. And nothing. Now I’m on and almost done the path that lead me to here.

I think everything happens for a reason.

The best is yet to come for us all.

How are ya doing see sweety? I hope you had a good week

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