Does anyone know of any jobs where I can work at my own pace and receive benefits? I need a job that I can make a career out of that can give me both medical and dental benefits and that won’t cause me too much stress or anxiety. Since the last two jobs I’ve had to leave due to my anxiety and depression. I have my associates degree in social and behavioral sciences as well as bachelors degree in social science with a primary concentration in child development and a secondary concentration in sociology.
Jobs : Does anyone know of any jobs... - Anxiety and Depre...
Do you live in the U.S.? If you do you could try your states division of vocational rehabilitation.
Yes I live in California. What do the states division of vocational rehabilitation do?
They help people with disabilities find a job.
Well, I only have been diagnosed with anxiety and depression. But, when I've been working with kids it has caused my anxiety to get so high that I would come home crying and almost have panic attacks. So, I don't think I can work with kids but I want to be able to find a job that can keep me calm and where I can work at my own pace so I don't feel rushed and having that cause my anxiety to escalate.
They might be able to help you find a job that you can do. Especially since you have all the education. Even if you just call them and ask if they can help you. The worst they could say is no.
It doesn't exist. I had to retire early because of my anxiety. I'm looking for a part-time job, every job is going to have some kind of anxiety. If You find one, Please let me know?
Or a job that doesn’t give me as much anxiety and doesn’t cause me to have panic attacks:

That would be a tough one to find? Cause employers have expectations and dealing with the public can be difficult cause someone is always going to complain? What are your limits that you can be pushed too? Even dealing with coworkers can be stressful? Seek counseling to help with this?

Hi maybe u can work with the elderly or even pets. Or hospital gift shop. Maybe volunteer first to try it out n see how it goes.
But I also want to make it a career that I can benefits from,
Or I guess a job that would allow me to work at my own pace.