Anxiety kicking in good this evening - Anxiety and Depre...

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Anxiety kicking in good this evening

7 Replies

Hello all , as some of you will be aware that I'm staying in a women's refuge and have been for 6 months . Been getting on with everyone until now as there is a young girl moved in to the room next to mind she has been running up and down the stairs slamming her door and just general been very load . Now not just myself but other people have also noticed this so we have told the manager who in return has told her to be a little quieter , which in all fairness she has. Though between the hours of 10 pm and 3 am she's on her phone . So when I'm trying to go to sleep or I'm already asleep I get woken up by hearing her . So I've had another moan about this . Which now has got in to a bit of a play ground scenario involving another lady who i have always gotton on well with , but she has taken to giving me the cold shoulder because she has become friend's with the girl on the phone . I feel like I'm back at school . I'm going to buy some ear plugs haha really. It is making things even harder for me here and I just don't know what to do . I mean I'm a grown woman and I'm not letting them intimate me it's just not very easy. Its uncomfortable.

7 Replies
Agora1 profile image

2Grandmar, oh I couldn't handle that either. Are there no rules in using phones

after a certain time? Sounds like you being put in the middle of this issue. It should

come from the manager. I hope this gets straightened out soon. :) xx

in reply to Agora1

I'm so glad you have said this as. I was starting to think am I just been petty know rules about using your phone at night sadly

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to

Well it's not so much about using phones at night but keeping you awake with her noise doing so. Tell the manager to sort it.

One thing to consider and this doesn't excuse her behaviour but she could be badly traumatised and feel so insecure because of her experiences that she needs the phone comfort.

goldieoldie profile image
goldieoldie in reply to

Hoping you manage to sleep ,but as Argora said this should not be allowed as you all need peace .It must feel very uncomfortabe being stuck beside someone who doesnt seem to know the rules.I spoke to you earlier and had no idea you were still in a refuge home---my apologies for not realising.. take care!

in reply to goldieoldie

No you weren't to know and thankyou I to hope I sleep . I don't know about traumatised but I do hear lots of laughter . But yes I understand as I have my phone glued to me.

goldieoldie profile image
goldieoldie in reply to

Good morning,hoping you had a restful night,at least the weathers better ,brighter and warmer,hope your day igoes well..

in reply to goldieoldie

Hello . I couldn't settle but thankyou . Weather is very windy here today and not so bright as this morning. Hope you have a good day to .

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