I’ve always had an issue with thinking of a happy place because I always believed it had to be somewhere you had been to or seen before. So for a long time I didn’t really have one.
Now when I hear certain songs I think of being in a forest when it rains with a cool breeze. The thought of being in a forest away from everything has always drawn me in and the rain has always been so peaceful to me, I spend the majority of rainy days watching it from my bedroom window.
Something about the woods or forests has always resonated with me (maybe it’s because I’m an earth sign 😅🙃) it somehow makes me feel more at home than anywhere else ever has. As for the rain, I like to think that it washes away my inner turmoil and replaces it with a state of solace. Any body of water is calming to be near or see but I don’t know, rain hits differently for me.
I don’t know, being in the forest whilst it’s raining, the thought makes me feel more alive than ever for some strange reason.
Do you have a happy place? If so where or what is it? I’m interested in hearing them.
Hope you’re having a good day/afternoon/night 🤗🖤