Positive things πŸ™‚ 🌻🌼🌷: I wrote down... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Positive things πŸ™‚ 🌻🌼🌷

β€’16 Replies

I wrote down a list of all the things I personally WANT to do.. I notice that I need to learn how to allow myself to be happy. It may be odd to some but I am really not used to doing anything for myself so I wanted to try it. Throughout my life I have mainly just functioned and done what I HAVE to do to function ever since childhood - almost non existent joy, fun or happy experiences.

I nnoticed that as I allowed myself to write the things I WANT for myself that I began to feel more and more energized and less overwhelmed. I just literally brainstormed and allowed myself to think freely no matter how daft it may seem and no matter how unlikely I will get those things. I noticed my mind change from feeling trapped and feeling I dont have opportunities, to feeling more hopeful and happy.

(Seeing others on here freely express their happiness really helps me too. Its therapeutic, so dont hold back if you feel playful, curious, joyful, enlightened. It helps me and others to read these things. But also post if youre sad too because that helps inspire us too because we know we arent alone)

Also, thanks to other's support and advice I checked out a podcast on how to find a good therapist and I made some serious notes on how to go about it. I know I need help but its felt overwhelming to face going about getting it. But pushing myself to think happy thoughts gave me the motivation and positivety to at least make one more step to therapy. Thanks to all here for the encouragement, advice, positivety and for just opening up about your thoughts/stories on here. It means alot πŸ™‚

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16 Replies
Heorge_Garrison profile image

I’m glad to hear that you’re finding some positive ideas for your life. What kinds of things would you like to do if given the opportunity? For me, I want to visit Greenland, make new friends, and even just have the opportunity to regularly socialize again once the pandemic ends.

in reply to Heorge_Garrison

The things you mentioned are great things to do. I would love to do those things too. I especially would like to travel, live in a new place/culture, learn to dance, I would like to enjoy playing the guitar/singing and feel fitter/stronger. I have loads of other things too πŸ™‚

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I think you should learn Scottish highland dancing πŸ•ΊπŸ˜† get a kilt on lol

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In all seriousness, they sound awesome goals to have! ⭐️ Reach for the stars!

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Thanks 😊

in reply to

Ok I will do. Im up for that! Im up for learning anything new. Im being serious. πŸ˜€

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I used to go to dance classes. I went to salsa classes, that was fun. Went to ballet when I was much younger. I went to another but I won’t say what it was on here.

in reply to

Thats great youve done some dancing. Ive never done salsa but Ive done ballet before. It was really good actually. I know it takes a little more motivating but we can always enjoy some dancing at home to a good song. I think there are even online zoom lessons for salsa and other styles etc. πŸ€”πŸ˜Š

Roxylox55 profile image

You yourself really can write and your ideas are inspiring

Beautiful and well said. U have proved what I have thought to be a partial cure for my depression, "Hope". I have noticed that every time I lose hope, my depression takes another level. Depression feeds on hope so much that having something to look forward to and know is within my reach does magic for me. The route to that destiny might change but the hope of knowing I can get there is amazing. Thanks for the words of encouragement.

Hi CB,

Yes, you've had an moment of epiphany, Hope. It's what the bible teaches, bring hope to the world through the gospel. it says," Now faith is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do not see." I know alot of you aren't believers but that verse still applies whatever your belief.

Lately I have been watching Rick stein's cornwall. It's beautiful and I now plan to visit cornwall when it's safe to do so. Can't wait to taste cornish ice cream, enjoying a cream tea, to awaken the senses. I also want to visit Up North aswell to support our country's economy. Like you I was locked in trauma. I was just existing. Then I realised one day it's because i had no plan,no hope. When you Start making plans your focus shifts from the negative to neutral and you're practising mindfulness for an objective. You look for ideas and inspiration from books, magazines and programmes and you start to build hope ,excitement. You're start to imagine what could be and you start to feel and smell and become excited. Some of the most amazing stories of survival and over coming adversity is because of hope. Which brings me back to your point in writing down on what you want to do. It's a brilliant idea and because of you I'm going to make a hope board and fill it with things and verses that will uplift me and hang it where it will remind me everyday of my goal, so a cream tea will go up on it, A picture of a cornish village and I know this sound weird, clay pigeon shooting. Why? Why not? It's something different and it's an activity that I can do with my family, building experiences we can bond over, laugh or cry over. You never know I might be the next olympic clay shooting champion! just wanted to encourage you.

keep safe!

in reply to

Hope is an interesting subject to think about thank you for bringing that up. I know the Bible mentions it alot but to be honest I havent really focused on it, but I want to do now. I mainly just liked the guidance but I know it contains so much more than that.

This is a really great reply on here by the way. The neccessity of hope in driving us to objectives is an interesting subject. It seems we NEED it in order to function..so its no surprise that when we 'just exist' without hope that often we can only function for so long. Well thats the case with me anyway. I end up mentally and emotionally collapsing when I get too tired because I have nothing to live for. And the reason I had nothing to live for is because I felt its too selfish to WANT anything. But HOPE IS WANTING SOMETHING FOR OURSELVES. So by this logic then its not wrong to want something because we need to hope in order to function. And we need to function in order to live a good life.

I dont know if what I made sense to you but it definitely does to me. Thanks for your encouragement and helping me understand something new πŸ™‚

swordfishll profile image

What podcast was it? I need to start looking too. I’m the same way, it feels like my entire life has not been fun. I will make a list too :)

in reply to swordfishll


in reply to swordfishll

There are more helpful podcasts too on there πŸ™‚.

Thanks for your comment too. It helps to know you understand. I hope your list of happy things is going well. You can always keep adding to it as new things come up. I think its a good idea for ones like us who need to learn to be happy to do at least one thing just for ourselves each day. πŸ™‚

swordfishll profile image
swordfishll in reply to

Thank you. I only recently realized I was the last priority in my life. So now I have realized it is my turn to have fun😊

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