I'm done with this website. - Anxiety and Depre...

Anxiety and Depression Support

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I'm done with this website.

46 Replies

I have met some really great people on this website who have been very positive and encouraging, and for those of you who have been like that with me, I really appreciate you. But some other people on here seem to enjoy kicking a person when they're already down and I don't need that, and no one else needs that either. If you want to be a hater or a bully, go hang out at a Trump rally but don't come on here messing around with vulnerable people who are having some serious issues with anxiety and depression. Your nasty and vicious attitudes say WAY more about the kind of person you are than anything about me. I can't stay on here anymore. Just takes a few bad apples to spoil the whole bunch. I'm not like that, I will never be like that, and I have more class than you will ever know. So I'm gone. This is no place for social media viciousness.

46 Replies
hypercat54 profile image

Hi I looked at your other post and am shocked someone told you to kill yourself - that is so wrong on every level and is not what this site is about.Several of us have your back and replied accordingly. Have a look at our replies before you make any decisions. Maybe take a short break then come back to us. Don't cut off your nose to spite your face please. You are a valued member here so remember that.

Don’t leave us. A couple of things, there are bad eggs every where we turn around. These insist on spoiling the bunch, but this is when we stand up and walk away from them and leave them in the dust. Then there are some that just can’t help them self by wanting to tilt the scales and say your problems are nothing compared to theirs. I have no idea why people feel they have to post such unsupportive and unhelpful garbage, it tells me these people lack tact and do not have empathy, which most of us here already have family, friends, spouses, etc. that lack empathy, one reason we are here to begin with.

The post has been removed by admin. You leave, they win, so don’t let them win. I hope you reconsider staying. 🌺💜

Starrlight profile image

Did you get my pms? You are beautiful and wanted here. What the poster said tells about how sick she is. It has nothing to do with you and it’s a shame that she tried placing her disgusting stuff onto you. You deserve all good things. Love you 😍

You are politicising depression by saying go to a Trump rally ?

Sorry that you have met abuse but hope you keep using HU

in reply to lillyofthevalley37


Yass_123 profile image

Hi I'm new to this website my huscpassed away yest abroad I can't get see him over a year du to covid his illness lasted five days I saw him breathless blue fingernails advised him go hosp he died some now say its my fault for letting him go hosp wh I'm trying to say is its u thats hurting ignore those who comment badly they have nothing better to do for one of the nasty comments u will find ten better ones don't let the nasty ones beat us take carex

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to Yass_123

How awful and I am so sorry.

in reply to Yass_123

Sorry for your loss, we are going through a very cruel period with this virus.I hope you will be able to pull yourself around given time and we soon get back to more positive times


Yass_123 profile image
Yass_123 in reply to

Thank you

in reply to Yass_123

I am so very sorry to hear this.

Yass_123 profile image
Yass_123 in reply to

Thank you

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to Yass_123

Yaas I’m so so sorry ❤️

Yass_123 profile image
Yass_123 in reply to Starrlight

Thank you

Dolphin14 profile image

I'm sorry this happened to you.

Tillymay profile image

Please don’t go! Stay there are some really nice people on here.and if someone has upset you report them they should be the ones to leave if they have said horrible things to you.Dont you let them make you go!! You stay with us xxxx

Sorry you had a bad experience too. I also did about a month after joining HU, someone trolled me. So I took a break from the app for a while, as it wasn’t helping my mental health. I totally understand your feeling done with HU after a nasty experience. Just wanted to say I would miss you and your positivity if you go! ❤️

Bigneil1 profile image

Those people who are the one who aren't welcome on any platform. I am very sorry you had to suffer this. Please don't go

Hi, Googoodollsfan,

I am so sorry you are going through so much and receiving nasty comments from people, as that is the last thing you need right now. And after reading several of your recent posts, as well as some others on your profile, I feel confident in saying that i think one of the biggest things you are dealing with is needing more people in your life that understand your temperament. You mentioned in one of your recent posts that you are a sensitive person and i am, also, so i completely understamd how you feel and what you are going through; as one of the toughest things for sensitive people is to be misunderstood by non sensitive people, who may or may not have their best interests at heart. But there is a name for our temperament and more and more research has been coming out about it.....which i will add is something that we are born with and we cannot change this anymore than a person can change their God given hair color. It is in our DNA. And the catagory that we fall in to is called "Highly Sensitive Persons". I'm not sure if you have heard of this or not, but if you Google it, you will find lots of info on it. Being a Highly Sensitive Person can be very difficult, but it also has so many rewarding things about it. And because we feel everything so deeply, not only do we feel pain more deeply than other non sensitive people, but we also feel happiness and joy much deeper than others do who are not sensitive. But as a fellow Highly Sensitive Person, or HSP, as many call it, i can tell you from experience that it is very important for you to try to find other HSP's that can give you the kindness and support that you need.

I have been through and struggled with a lot of the same situations and issues that you have and i think i could offer some further help and insight to you. So please feel free to PM me if i can be of any further help to you.

Also know this: Being an HSP is not a weakness, but a strength. As we have to be just that much stronger to be able to endure the strength of our own emotions. And that's how i KNOW that you are strong!

Please hang in there and know in your heart that you are never alone, as there are others who understand and are here for you. May God Bless You with Love and Peace in all that you do.


Afrohair profile image

Have you tried reporting those causing upset I don't know if it's a general thing on this site but on other parts of the forum admin is almost non existent it needs to change so the site is much better I got a bit of bullying on another part and I started having to make a note at the end of the post to make people think before they comment it got so bad they was saying my unborn baby won't be born healthy because I wanted to get my nails done while pregnant admin didn't do a thing I had to delete my post I noticed it was always the same people commenting

in reply to Afrohair

I'm so sorry it hear this, hon. Congrats on your pregnancy!

Afrohair profile image
Afrohair in reply to

Thanks hun ❤️

Starrlight profile image

When I was at my lowest and in a crisis center someone told me to shut up and called me an asshole. It was way rude but I laughed and it didn’t bother me because I knew she was the one who was the asshole. I don’t expect you to not care because I know it can really hurt when someone tried to play with our emotions. I’m just so sorry you are hurting and hope you feel better soon.

in reply to Starrlight

They what?! I'm so sorry that happened, hon.

You're a good person, hon. I am so very sorry for the one bad reply to you (which I'm assuming is the one you're talking about). That was such an awful thing to read; I am so very sorry for that. I see from here that people replied to that. I did not reply, but I did report. So, like hypercat says, lots of people have your back.🙂Please also take comfort in knowing that you are not alone. Unfortunately, many of us have had similar experiences on here. Just remember that people who do this do not feel good about themselves and the only way they know to feel better is by putting others down.

It's up to you whether you stay or leave, but let me say this before you decide: you are a beautiful soul. Take really good care of yourself!

UFC80 profile image

I sympathize for you and your battle with anxiety and depression . It's never a good feeling when some people try and kick us down, but i definetly can tell you that their are many more GOOD people in the world, and within our great healthunlocked community! Please give it some more time to see that. Your support circle is always here for you, and we rely on eachother. 😊🤗

Ok. I will too. But hey, thanks!

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to


in reply to Dolphin14


Musicever profile image

So sorry to hear!!! But I will try to be good as much as I can!!

bonkers65 profile image

Please don't go. We will miss you a lot. You always have some good advice and offer a lot of support. ((((HUGS))))

Afrohair profile image

Aww congratulations this is my fourth!

in reply to Afrohair

I just realized what post this is on. I will delete because it's off topic.

Sleeplessme profile image

I'm sorry that happened to you, I know exactly how something like that can be so damaging, especially if you are at a low point.I tried looking for it then saw someone had said it's been deleted. I really hope the perpetrator has been banned too otherwise I believe that's a bad decision from the admin team. If someone is capable of saying such a thing they don't deserve to be here, but we all deserve to know who it is so we can avoid them.

Anyway, I hope you realise there are far more here that need your support just as much as you need theirs and that whoever that person is they're just a waste if oxygen.

Catsamaze profile image
CatsamazeADAA Volunteer

Dear Googoodollsfan: I am relatively new to HU and have not had the privilege yet to get to know you at all. I look at this long string of responses and see much love and support for you. That would not be the case if you didn’t provide that for others. We need you to stay for us if not for you. I’ve listened to interviews with renowned writers and musicians who say they might get 100 great reviews and 2 negative ones, and yet they will focus on the 2 rather than the 100. For some reason that’s human nature. I know I do it. I have not seen the offending posts but they are not tolerated on this site. You are of course free to leave us. But I, like so many who have responded here, would ask you to reconsider....for yourself certainly, but for us too. There may be 52,000 people in this community but there is only 1 you. You are needed.

in reply to Catsamaze

Beautiful response, Catsmaze! Welcome btw! I'm Minnie Mouse. What is an ADAA volunteer?

Catsamaze profile image
CatsamazeADAA Volunteer in reply to

Hi MiniMouse! Thanks for the kind words. I’ve had to wrestle with what I call “bone crushing” depression at many points in my life. I have a great need to give back, and try to help others who are struggling and suffering as I have. I wish I didn’t know as much as I do about depression, but since I do I want to turn a negative into a positive. I found out about ADAA, the Anxiety and Depression Association of America’s, the organization that oversees HealthUnlimited, read up on it, and realized that this was exactly what I was looking for. I then checked out this site and loved what I saw. I wrote to ADAA, presented my background, and asked if I could contribute as a volunteer. They were wonderful. They told me I’d need to be on the HU site for a number of months as an active member to be considered and then be trained to be an official volunteer if they felt I qualified based on their evaluation of my interactions with others. So I am a volunteer for ADAA assigned to HU. My main job is to help people, especially new members, feel welcome, and to help facilitate ongoing conversations if I feel I can contribute in that way. I am honored to be part of this and I get as much as I give. I apologize for writing a thesis in response to your question but I wanted to let you know the process as best I could. Looking forward to getting to know you!

in reply to Catsamaze

Thank you for that; it's interesting to hear about! That is admirable of you to give back like that!!! Kudos to you!!! I am similar in wanting to give back my experience, not of my depression (which was at it's worse during the teenage years,) but my Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS), which is a very torturous physical syndrome in which one essentially loses control of the legs mainly. I wish you lots of luck on your journey!😊

Catsamaze profile image
CatsamazeADAA Volunteer in reply to

Minnie, I have heard how awful RLS can be from a friend who has it. I'm so sorry you have to deal with that. Take a look here: rls.org/get-involved/find-s.... It might be helpful. And you might be able to contribute your wisdom and experience!

in reply to Catsamaze

Thank you! I will take a look. I was part of the RLS community on here, but it was unfortunately ruined for me by some people who got onto me. It didn't help that I "fought" back, though, so admit my part in that. For someone who has severe RLS to be told some of the things I was though, was very wrong. Ironically, I started on here (under a different alias) to get over feeling really depressed from losing my cool on that community (which was pretty much a public mental breakdown). Most of feeling depressed to the point of suicidal ideation had to do with my shame, but part of it had to do with them implying that I was fully to blame. Thank you so very much for saying what you said to googoodollsfan.

Catsamaze profile image
CatsamazeADAA Volunteer in reply to

Hi again, MinnieMouse. This is high-stakes stuff we deal with on these online forums. It's not a chess club. So emotions can be very high and people can be hurt easily. Details of our respective conditions, whether RLS, depression, etc., are different but we are all in this together. When people forget that we get into trouble. I understand your not wanting to go back to the old RLS site, not because anything was your fault, but because it makes you uncomfortable. But you might want to try a new one for RLS. Knowing you, you will give as much as you get. But don't leave us....we need you here too!

in reply to Catsamaze

Thank you for your words!🙂

Catsamaze profile image
CatsamazeADAA Volunteer in reply to

One more thing...I am am meteorologist. I take credit for good weather and disavow any responsibility for bad weather😊

in reply to Catsamaze

Aww shoot! So I can't blame you for the sleet that is currently out my window. Shucks!Good disclaimer, btw!

Catsamaze profile image
CatsamazeADAA Volunteer in reply to

Yes! I have myself covered! Having said that, I do take weather requests ......I have a great record with weather for weddings in my family......talk about pressure:)

in reply to Catsamaze

Nice! 👍Have a good day!

addicted2cycling profile image

For myself, solutions for disparaging remarks comes from 2 simple OLD phrases >>>

"I'm rubber you're glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you!"


"like water off a duck's back"

Not what you're looking for?

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