Just trying to make it through anothe... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Just trying to make it through another day

Amatrick7039 profile image
18 Replies

I'm hoping that this will help. I've tried so many different things. So what can it hurt. My anxiety has gotten so bad it does things to me I never thought was possible. Im scared im going to lose my job. Sometimes my legs don't want to work or I get half way through the store with my kids and I have to leave. It use to be that I couldn't breath and now its my legs won't work im dizzy all the time. And it drives me absolutely insane. Anyone out there have a miracle cure hit me up.

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Amatrick7039 profile image
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18 Replies
Agora1 profile image

Welcome Amatrick7039, I'm glad you are here. Sometimes reaching out for the last thing

can be what causes you to reach your goal. I could tell you and I will the answers to your

symptoms but until you address the root of the problem, it will continue.

Is fearing losing your job the root of this fear? When we fear something, it throws our breathing off into hyperventilation and even holding our breath. The minute we do that we can get dizzy, our legs can feel weak which makes the adrenaline rise in our body.

Leaving the store etc only assures the subconscious mind that it is truly an emergency. If we stay despite our fears and use other coping skills, it makes us stronger and leaves Anxiety weaker. These are issues you have control over. As for your job, you must let go of the fear

that you have no control over or it will become the trigger for your panic.

There isn't a miracle drug or a magic wand that can immediately take away your physical symptoms. However, the key to your goal is within your power. As you read about other's

journey on this safe site, you will see that you are not alone. You will learn through other's

mistakes as well as success. I am just one of the success stories. I overcame years of Anxiety as well as Agoraphobia. My goal now is to "pass it forward" and help others reach their success story as well. :) xx

Amatrick7039 profile image
Amatrick7039 in reply to Agora1

Thank you for the wonderful words of encouragement. The last, well yrs have been tough. My biggest fear is death. I think about it everyday. I lost my sister and my stepmother to over doses 3months apart then both 3 of my closes uncles and just recently my aunt. Its all happened within 2 yrs. I just have this feeling of what is next? Who is next? Its scary. But recently I dint even have to be thinking about anything and I freak out like in the store today I just wanted to get out of the house and I couldn't even do that. Im getting so frustrated with everything. Im so lost at what to even do.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Amatrick7039

Hi Amatrick, Let me extend my deepest sympathy to you on the losses in your family. I am truly sorry. As much as death is a part of life, losing those we love can leave not only this emptiness but also the fear of death itself. I understand your thought of "who is next?" It can be scary. You had too many losses in such a short time.

This year has proven to be a year of many losses that were too soon. The way in trying to get through this is by accepting that we have no control over our fate. To worry about death on a daily basis causes us to not live life and just exist. Many would say well that is what they are doing now by being in lockdown for months at a time. But what is the alternative?

We do what we can with what we have been given in life. Changes as well as losses are #1 Triggers...We must learn to be grateful for what we have in the present moment.

We can't worry about what will happen tomorrow or down the road. Change of thought will help cool down the fear. I hope you come on here every day. Talk to others, talking

and knowing you aren't alone is healing in itself. We cannot have control of everything in our lives and so we need to learn how to accept that. :) xx

Rosalia1 profile image
Rosalia1 in reply to Amatrick7039

I feel your pain I fear death because my husband passed away from leukemia for years ago and now I keep going to Doctor‘s after Doctor‘s neck pain back pain I need surgery and all I think about Is death death death I have an 18 year old and I’m all she has and that is all I think about what happens to her if she loses me and I can’t leave my house and I’m in Pain all the time I’m overweight my body is weak my legs are weak I’m out of shape I never took care of myself now I think about is dying I want my daughter would do without me so I’m sorry I feel your pain

FearIsALiar profile image
FearIsALiar in reply to Amatrick7039

I’m sorry for your loss. I fear death as well! I fear basically the unknown and what is out of my control! You’re not alone. 💗

sia22345 profile image
sia22345 in reply to Agora1

Please share any other tips you have! I become so scared to speak to other people at times that I start to fumble my words and can never find the right words to say! Thanks for the wise words of wisdom! We can’t let anxiety have the last word !

Amatrick7039 profile image
Amatrick7039 in reply to sia22345

Same here. Sometimes I studder i feel so awkward. I've been a social butterfly my hole life until now and it drives me nuts

Rosalia1 profile image
Rosalia1 in reply to Amatrick7039

I feel the Same I was a social butterfly myself and now I’m an introvert what happened what happened to me I ask?!

FearIsALiar profile image
FearIsALiar in reply to Rosalia1

Same here Rosalia

Whiskers16 profile image
Whiskers16 in reply to Rosalia1

Same here.. how does this happen

khadijah2 profile image
khadijah2 in reply to Agora1

you overcame agoraphobia I have been some type of phobic since I was 4 years old. and now I am 63. Thank You reading yours words they were encouraging.

Whiskers16 profile image
Whiskers16 in reply to Agora1

Agora I love your words but as hard as I try I too have this fear of loosing my job which as you say is triggering further anxiety.I try to think positively and am trying to manage my intrusive thoughts but really struggling and each day seems to be getting worse not better.

FearIsALiar profile image

I always feel like I can’t breath too. It’s the worst!! Welcome to the group 💗

1OshunDreamer profile image

Amatrick, I'm glad you joined us! You've had a lot happen in a short time. Anxiety on a daily basis is bad enough, throw in what's happening in the world and your personal life and it can be terrifying. I've experienced almost the same symptoms as you have described, however we all have different tricks to help. What helps you? I have depression, anxiety and severe insomnia. I've been prescribed a cocktail of meds that take the edge off. When I feel it coming I journal. I've never re-read any of it but I've had some breakthroughs while writing! I read trashy books in a hit bath a lot, It sounds stupid but I'm totally amused when I read it that I forget I was about to panic.

Amatrick7039 profile image
Amatrick7039 in reply to 1OshunDreamer

I love those kinds of books. But have not thought about doing that. Thank you. I've tried so many different things and nothing seems to work.

1OshunDreamer profile image
1OshunDreamer in reply to Amatrick7039

How are you today?

JkBauer profile image

Hello,I am sorry that you are struggling so. I just want to give you a little food for thought; How well are you taking care of yourself? Are you eating notoriously? Are you drinking plenty of water everyday (32 oz) per day? Are you getting at least 8 hours of sleep a night? Do you let your children help out around the house ( age appropriate chores)? How much time outside do you spend a day ( at least 30 minutes to an hour)? Do you take time to play with your children ( at least an hour spread out through the day)? How much quiet time do you take for yourself each day ( at least 3 - 15 minute breaks in a day)?...Make sure to take care of yourself. God Bless you! :)

Amatrick7039 profile image

I drink plenty of water. But food is tough for me. I dont ever seem to be hungry I literally force myself to eat and its never healthy. Its always easy stuff and usually soft foods because of my fear of choking. My kids are my world 🌎

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