I dont know if it’s because i’ve had severe depression so long, being autistic or always being burnt out but I have huge gaps in my memory of my childhood and struggle to remember dates, numbers and names. It takes me forever to recall information at times, especially the older the info is and cant remember info well without seeing or using it regularly. It’s annoying because it interferes with my life, work, in school and people think im dumb. People lose their patience with me for constantly forgetting things or not remembering something they think is easy to remember. I dont have instant memory loss at any moment and I dont forget anything important like how to cook for myself, who the US president is or how to drive, it’s little things and information I dont find useful/relevant to myself. I forget things over time even if it’s something I really ‘want’ to remember.
as far as my childhood, I remember only bits and pieces and much of what I do remember is bad or vague. I can sometimes jolt memories by something that reminds me of it but it’s random. I have ptsd but it’s not from a singular traumatic event, physical abuse or being in the military. I’ve always struggled with it and seems to be worse in my adult years.