Hey eveyrone, im noticing recently that my ability to express myself and say things is not as good as it used to, it might sound dumb but when im arguing with someone or talking , my memory always feels foggy and sometimes i just forget so many things , i panic and think its physical, but i just got a brain CT a year ago and everything was fine ..i just think it might be stress and anxiety but im not sure ..its not always, but more frequent that when i talk to someone i just forget frequently what im saying and just feel like i cant express myself properly , maybe its fatigue but i dont know...its just that i feel like im going crazy !
Difficulty concentrating and speaking - Anxiety and Depre...
Difficulty concentrating and speaking

Hey Kevin! It's probably any of the things you've said. It could be dehydration too.
Not getting enough sleep, eating right?
That was your anxiety talking when it said theres something wrong. Nope, you're not crazy. it's your worry!
First of all thanks for the support, but well, how do i prevent it from getting worse , or how to get rid of it, because im taking exams and i would hate if anything affected my studying especially since my extreme anxiety itself is a huge problem that im trying soo hard to control
The answer is the same: take better care of yourself. Drink more water, get enough sleep, eat healthy, exercise. You are probably over stressed from the exams too.
Yes i was extremely stressed, panicking because i felt like i forgotten everything and that im going to fail, stress and anxiety really cause a vicious cycle in everything
Its causes blood pressure to rise so you fear it rising but fear causes it to rise more
It causes you to feel tired and forgetful but you fear to forget things and feel fatigued which makes it worse
I will try to hydrate, sleep better, eat at the same times ..hopefully by the time of my exam next week i wouldnt feel like im going crazy and that im concious not feeling this weird unfocused, derealized feeling