Don't like to complain: Divorced six... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Don't like to complain

27 Replies

Divorced six years ago

My family assumes my fault


My wifexwasntcattractedc to me at all said so

Very abusive to my son

My family blames me

My wife never hugged or allowed. And always slept on other side of the bed

There are lots of jerks

15 years not wanted

Messes with u

27 Replies

Art projects the gym helps u forget not beingvwanted

That's holdi got


But in my family it's an embarrassment

Andcstulid clinical doctors and progressions ooh

A what ever.

Who knows

I love great art

Closet now

Sure around people like u

Impossible to find its amazi g

Others esp Bri g a guy or man

Get a dog or

Value yur accepting friends who are exceptional rare

Like gold

Horse people tend to be very bossy and hate men loath them

Generalization of that world. Not


A women

Very fine listener

Hope yur friends eye feels better

Thanks for all u do


Most at home I hear was dad please don't talk or just my wife scream g

My poor son

Thank u Luna

Great empath I think


Very kind sweet whatever of u




Tk u

Just to have friend

No.presure just saying

Wow tk u

I've always been a leader I don't know what to say

Just in slight

Awe of generosity of spirit

I know it's not personal not what I'm saying but compared to.instructors and colleagues at college u

R very


Significantly kind

Soft cotton


Sand paper


Why were people hard on u for God's sake?

Hear u

Lost several patients as I was ordered to do procedures as an intern by senior faculty thst they shouldn't have

I've learned to defy bad orders and quit bad hosoutals and situations

My creator understands

My family

I'm a quitter

And I am much much more cautious u can't unring a bell

Is this procedure necessary or somrbodys good idea


I dont like giving advice

Hear the sentiment but its affected my self esteem as a black thumb

So to speak so I'm very very pdrotrctive and I make thr final decision.

They called md the crabby old man in the hospital

That's because I listen to complex situations

They stink at listening and just dump.on u when actually they are full of it


Do no harm

Tks urva great listener

Doctors and psyche people


Usually the tallest tree between lighteni g clouds

U just happened to be there easy to discharge


My crime is a man in thstvworld of man haters

Anytging I trird was wring

I can face my maker but becausecof my critic famiky always alone





U I think u were just there run over by trucks

My sister had a rough life

Know why ?

Innocent and easy to dump.on. by my father and my brother

Her crime ??

Red riding hood


It a very kind listener

gggg123 profile image

You don't need assurances from others to decide if you're a worthy person or not !

Pel3749 profile image

Hi, look to your friends for support and understanding. They love you. Religious? Find a little boost from your clergy, they can be helpful. Stay busy . God Bless and keep in touch.

GreenMom2009 profile image

I am so sorry to hear that. For a long time I felt that way with my partner. It took me leaving for him to realize what he did and how badly it hurt me. Some people change, some people dont. Guess I was one of the lucky few who's person decided the change was worth it. If she didnt or wont change then moving on is best. Hard to hear, harder to do. But it will be well worth it!!! Just try your best to keep positive and know you're never alone.

in reply to GreenMom2009

Very extremely


U can hear that

Very kind and helpful.thank.u

V helpful

in reply to GreenMom2009

Im sorry he made u feel.unwanted. verybsorrybabout that. Thank u for sharing that with me. Helps a lot

GreenMom2009 profile image
GreenMom2009 in reply to

It helps to know that you arent the only one who has been through something like that. I know at the time I felt like I was the only one. Truth is... it happens a lot more than youd think. Big hugs and hope you keep your head held high!

in reply to GreenMom2009



Exactly rt

Couldn't be more


U guys help.



A billion tks

Thirty years in hello

Rounding the corner and on the way to homr finish line this th u guys

Hard to explain u just havr to believe me

I needed rest

Got ww3

Can't say what I want to say

But ultimately

He cost my family my fiance insuktec my family

Destroyed my prof life

Secret negotiations


Called mybresidrncy to accuse me of tell my seniors I stole from.the last hospital



Emptied his supplies to me on his initiative when I left


My doctor

Many times

All I could do was get distance

Live in my officevandcslowwkty recover and fight back

Long 30 f years

When I cross over

I have plans

Not on this plane

Hecisnt Worth it

.but it breaks u

They can say orcdonanytging

And hide behind the law

in reply to

I'd be happy to invite my doctor to dinner but bring shame on all of us

Learn to slowly let it go but dishonordx my fiance

I should have decorated his office

Been worth it

U said


About my

Wife ?

Who the he'll do.u think u


in reply to

He said my fiance who I worked arounf the clock insurgent and slamming er duty

Was my favorite dyke



U said what?

Because she's the kindest surgein innthecworld and I can see her chstscter. And she doesnt have Suzie two shoes??



U just declared


U said fu what???

I was fresh out of a two year 140 hours mash like rotation

Raw as hello

Broke me


God help anyone who tries to hurt one of my friends

Here or hospitals

I'll wear orange just fine

Stay away friends

.doctor or no


Been battling this 30 years

The system dorsnt listen to any patient

That's thevtipof the Ice burg


This guy

I pounded the hospital.ti theybflund found outbwhatbhe. Did

Hes at least away friends back.on the floor

Long long road and dealing with my family and and

Tired of being jobe endlessly

And people tell U havrcfaigh inngod or

I have seen and lived throughbsook much

Just lkke everyone here

Amnesia has its blessing


Tells me no that's not how vet med is

Or any

Inn The one that lived it

No.thats not how it is

The worst listeners

I was a faukt for divorcing mynabusuve wife

My family of automatic mrnnhatters


Some women. Crows



The kindvwomen here

Not genrralizung



Know how Custer the idiot sure feels

Fortunately God's laws are higher than man's laws

I'll let

St peter deal with my ex doctor

U did


To.a patient??

in reply to

All I have To do is


And do


Huge kind heart

Tk u

in reply to

Help.more than u know

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