I’m creative
I care about people and love big
I tend to give things my all and am determined
I am a good mom
I’m creative
I care about people and love big
I tend to give things my all and am determined
I am a good mom
That’s great I believe you are.I am creative too. I’d say I have perseverance. That’s what keeps me going. The I don’t give up mentality. Giving up is not an option!
Love it!
Hi Starrlight! I love your list!👍
Here's mine:
I'm very caring towards others
I'm a good writer
I try and look for the good in people and situations
I'm helpful
I'm determined
Awesome! Sometimes you have to lift yourself up because no one is going to do it for you. I love to read and write. Some days are bad and others are really bad and than you got those actual good ones. I think you have to take advantage of those when they are good. Keep your spirit up. Make the best of it! My thoughts
Great thoughts! Thanks for sharing👍
And yes we are our worse enemy. Fighting depression, anxiety , health problems or whatever your situation is not easy. I personally know and can relate to others. But if I have a free moment when it isn’t so bad I do some self care for myself. Whether that’s smelling essential oils, practicing anxiety techniques or doing affirmations or painting, watching a movie/show on Netflix, etc.. I try to capture the day before the darkness sets in again. If that makes sense to anybody
Makes total sense!
Super you understand 😉
It can be more than one kind of darkness too. Literal as well as metaphorical.
Yes very true . I’ll just say . “ in the darkness “ for me
I don’t know much about me. I’ll take a stab...
I’m good at being functional when I’m dysfunctional. I guess I’m good at winging it.
I’m a good mom and grandma. Still new at grandmaship
I’m a good cook and baker
I’m a good problem solver, make the most out what variables I have and just make things work
I think I’m very caring.
The line shipped over me when they handed out the creativity gene. I don’t have a creative bone in my body. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
😉 Those are great ... I’m a good problem solver too. I wish I was a good baker... I need the patience for it.
I wasn’t always, it’s been a few things spit out at the table to get things right. Haha
Christmas time I bake for my whole family. I don’t care if I eat it, I enjoy it. Maybe there is a little creativity in my baking and decorating. I might have sold myself short on this one. 😁
Yes I agree; creative baking and decorating! Good for you.
Love those😊
Great post Starrlight! Thank you!
My positives are
I am good at being positive (?)
I am a loyal friend
I am a devoted worker once I undertake something
I write silly second-rate poems and love it
I am willing to try new things... like this online support community!
Y'all are awesome!
Great list!👍
Aww I love it all!
Starlight - thanks for posting. I’m good at my job, problem solving and getting things done. Appreciate you posting - today is another rough day
Me too a rough day... we are strong though, we will get through and see better days
I really like this post!! Looking for the good in ourselves is SO very important and I think we forget that. I'd say that I have good perseverance, I'm a really good friend and sister, and I'm also decently creative😊
Great post ⭐️. Surprise me tomorrow😉
❤️ ❤️ ❤️
I’m a good listener. I can put everything aside and open my ears only to who needs a listener