Has anyone read "The Body Keeps the Score" By Bessel Van Der Kolk
Has anyone read "The Body Keeps the Score" By Bessel Van Der Kolk
Hi Rainbows4Life,
It is nice to meet you. I am reading The Body Keeps the Score. Maybe 60 pages in. I heard Bessell van der Kolkata on On Being, the podcast from public radio. I think it’s episode number 793. A lot of the book resonates with me. Being at a difficult juncture right now can make th book difficult to read, but I’m getting there. How are you finding the book?
I am loving it and dreading the next page all at the same time. LOL
I know that sounds odd just its So MUCH and I am really just blown away by what it is teaching me.
Oh and thank you! Nice to meet you too!!