My wife can over this weekend had a good weekend. She left today, but before leaving we had a disagreement about private conversations she shared with her daughter. ( who is now angry with me) I know she needed someone to talk to but it has created issue with the daughter. I don't know how to say you threw me under the bus in a nice way. I am in no way hiding my behavior, but if you can't trust your best friend for 28 years, I feel alone.
Feeling alone today.: My wife can over... - Anxiety and Depre...
Feeling alone today.

Disagreements happen and yes it can leave you feeling hurt but I would try not to let it get in the way of your nice weekend you have just had
Maybe your wife was wrong but maybe at the time her intentions were not to hurt you
It can be hard to trust people but sometimes we have to remember not even ourselves are perfect and we all make mistakes but because we do it does not mean we are not trustworthy
I am glad you can come on here and talk with us I hope it helps in making you feel you are not quite as alone as it feels that people are listening
Take Care x

Thank you for your kind words and understanding. You are so right, My behavior was inexcusable. Trust has been a problem my entire life and I am trying to understand her point of view. It does make me feel a little alone and in my anger I left a major wake I am trying to repair. I am learning how to deal with this and the people and friends on this site are becoming my new support group that I can share without hurting the ones I love. Thank you very much again.
None of us are perfect we all lash out and say the wrong things at times don't beat yourself up for that
Let things settle and maybe just say I don't want to get into it again but just wanted to say sorry for anything I may have said that hurt you , and leave it at that
I have trust issues to and it can over shadow what we think others intentions are or were because we are always kind of looking out to catch them out so we can then think , well I was right not to trust them ( if you get what I mean )
Hope you will let go of what happened and remember no one is perfect so be kind to yourself this evening x

So true, I will, I am a good place, with family and high school hometown. I am going to try to get a hold of some old friends, set a lunch with a couple guys I haven't seen in twenty years. Thanks again, feeling better.
What a brilliant idea x

Great advise!
Sometimes we need to button our lip, however if it is your daughter you have an interest in her life and if everything is going ok
You mention your wife has visited you and I gather your daughter has spoke out of turn regarding the advice given. The problem is normally a daughter will talk to He Mother regarding any problems She may have. I have two Siblings and they are about ten years younger than me. When I was younger I was told not to bother with them by my Father and in a way He was wight to tell me to button up because my Sisters and Mother would talk me down sometimes in front of other people
All I can say is be available if needed and know when it is best to walk away.

Yeah I am trying to leave that problem in the past. I love my daughter and her family and am learning to deal with this without going backwards, my aunt told me there is a reason the rearview mirror is so small and the windshield is so large. I am so happy to have found you guys and this site. Thank you for your words of encouragement and support.