I am crazy..or just feared.. - Anxiety and Depre...

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I am crazy..or just feared..

Eli1985 profile image
31 Replies

I really can't understand what is my problem-I know that I am not sick but every day I have a fear and I think that I will die soon or I think that I will go crazy.I am sooooo tireddddd from this ridiculous fears...

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Eli1985 profile image
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31 Replies
smilezz profile image

I Have Those Fears Too Sometimes .

Eli1985 profile image
Eli1985 in reply to smilezz

And what you're doing about it..almost one year and half I am like this

smilezz profile image
smilezz in reply to Eli1985

mmm- I Don't Know ..sorry !

Paradise2018 profile image
Paradise2018 in reply to Eli1985

I have the same fears, however every time I feel this fear coming on i try to focus on something else, like go for a walk, eat something or just put a ice pack on my forehead to calm me down. I find focusing on the ice pack helps me to snap out of this fear. Ive been going thru this for two years now, but i find i feel better as the weeks go by.

Giorgos1973 profile image

I wish I could help you all you are not alone I am also the last two years I just think that with the slightest that I will die I have dizziness I think I will faint I have palpitations I think I will lose my mind and it all started two years ago when my brother suffered a heart attack at the age of 48 and my sister was diagnosed with a brain aneurysm I was very sad there were events that marked my life ok we should not lose courage I hope you find a solution to your problem to say that it is to we will suffer we will suffer it we do not need to be scared to death think positively only that i can do it with myselfand everything will pass at some point just to accept things as they are and sorry for the big text we are a lot suffering

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Giorgos1973

Giorgos1973, I am sorry that you have experience both your brother and sister

having had some serious health issues. There is no doubt in my mind that this caused

you to start thinking about your own mortality and health issues. You are right in that

we must think positively each and every day. We can't allow other's health issues in making

us feel vulnerable as well. We are our own person. What happens to one doesn't mean it

will happen to us. Siblings or not.

You seem to have a grip on life or at least understand where the dizziness and palps are coming from. Your fear raises the adrenaline in your body, your body reacts to that

stimulant causing you to react in fear. Once again as with Eli, the cycle of fear is complete.

You are right in that we are not alone. We have each other on this forum and will get

through this together. Stay Strong my friend :) xx

Giorgos1973 profile image
Giorgos1973 in reply to Agora1

just as you say it is we must look strong in the games of our destiny difficult but not impossible to learn to live today and I believe that at some point as they came into our lives these thoughts and phobias will leave a habit they are all his games My mind, I have always been in this condition for two years, I did not suffer anything, nor did the doctors find anything simple. you are good for everyone i believe there is light in the tunnel

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Giorgos1973

There is that light at the end of the tunnel Giorgos and after suffering

from Anxiety and 5 years of Agoraphobia, I found the light.

I never gave up on myself. I always believed there is a reason for everything.

I promised myself that when (not if) when I got myself back I would pass

my success forward.

And here I am, showing that it is possible and very probable that each and

every one of us can reach our goal. In Time, when the time is right for us :) xx

Giorgos1973 profile image
Giorgos1973 in reply to Agora1

Well done, I'm glad you did it, you look like a strong person and a hope is given to us, the vulnerable, as far as agoraphobia is concerned, at some point I would like you to tell me how to overcome it.

Eli1985 profile image
Eli1985 in reply to Giorgos1973

Thank you for your support..I control my pannic with medications but until when..I hate this pills they are helping me but when I know that it's not my control but medications..I am sorry that you are going through this cause it's awful...How many times I make full of myself I even convinced the doctors that I am sick..cause I googled all symptoms and once I remember on this scene..6 doctors around me trying to figure out what analysis to make me..so thay made me full analysis that cost me a lot and after they told me sorry but you need to see another doctor and from that day I went to psychiatric and he told me hipohondria...I am takeing now 15mg paroxetine and 3mg lexotanil but i feel disappointed..

TheloniousMonkey profile image
TheloniousMonkey in reply to Giorgos1973

Giorgos, I can totally relate. I am 59, and afraid of any exertion that might make me out of breath, or cause the slightest dizziness. I have major depression, so fatigue and muscle weakness comes with the territory. I walk a treadmill every day but I think that provides just the daily minimal for fitness. I’m afraid I’m going to follow my older brother, who had depression, and was finally diagnosed w dementia. He lived the last years of his life in a near catatonic, non- verbal state. My siblings and friends all assure me this is fear, based not on evidence, and I shouldn’t waste my life worrying about an imagined catastrophe. And they’re right. But family history is still very difficult to reconcile. I hope you find peace in your life soon.

Eli1985 profile image
Eli1985 in reply to TheloniousMonkey

Really they have right-You need to forget about family history-because the life is too short-nobody knows what is going to happend with us-imagine if you walk outside and a car is hitting you and you ll be dead..exist soo many possibilities something to go wrong..thats why I say..with the fact that you worry is proof that you don't have dementia-people with dementia doesn't even know that they have it-dont be afraid-you have seen a lot of stress and you develop anxiety depression-just take your therapy spend more time outside,be grateful for the things that you have,like family, friends,live now and don't worry for tomorrow..I was/am diagnosed with depression but the depression is more than word it's difficult but be brave and live now-I now just taking my pills and after that I don't think what will happend with me-I live now in the moment-try-I wish you all the best

TheloniousMonkey profile image
TheloniousMonkey in reply to Eli1985

Thank you Eli. You’re right.

I’m having some anxiety over my body today (hypochondria) but I know it will pass.

I went through this for three years, no joke. And what I got from it was that day after day I feared so much to the point that I truly got fed up with it, and decided that if it was going to happen then so be it. After years of torture I no longer cared, and that was my strength. Hopefully it will work out that you overcome this fear, and are able to regain the ability to live life in peace.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to

:) xx

Eli1985 profile image
Eli1985 in reply to

Thanks for your support 🤗🤗

in reply to Eli1985


shodan95 profile image
shodan95 in reply to

Exactly the way to do it. We have one life. People who actually do have terminal illnesses understand best that fear of dying is a waste of time. It's normal though, but you have to kind of tell yourself death is inevitable. Literally it's the risk we run by being alive.

in reply to shodan95

Agree completely!! To me fear is a bully. One that will try to take every bit of security, happiness, and joy. And I hope that everyone going through this has the courage to stand up and not take it. Don't let that fear control you, and make your mind murky. After experiencing that, I learned I'm not ready to die, but I've accepted one day I will.

Agora1 profile image

Eli1985 as long as you keep that fear going, it will continue to stay around.

Fear begets fear and before long you are in a continuous cycle. Anxiety is

like this. Once it gets your attention, it continues to play this mind game with

you. This is nothing but lies coming from your brain. You can turn it off by

ignoring it, floating pass the fears and accepting that it is not harmful.

You say you have had this for almost 1 1/2 years. What happened at that

time to cause this fear in you? If you find the root of this fear, you can start

working on addressing it. Have you talked with a therapist and/or are you

on medication?

I'm glad you are here on this support site. We are here to help you walk

this walk. You are not alone. We care. :) xx

Eli1985 profile image
Eli1985 in reply to Agora1

Thanks for your support it means a lot to me..My story is quite funny or tragic..first one added me on fb and he told me he is a fortune teller..I understood this like a joke and when i told him what is waiting for me he told me that I will die soon if I don't cut my cigarettes..after i block him and forgot about it but after one week a catch a cold and I went to see a doctor when he saw me he told me to make analysis cause he is afraid about my lungs..afcourse he was wrong.My health is perfect..but after that day i had a panic attack from fear.From that day every day I was living and I am living in fear..I can't say what I passed ..now I am on medications 15mg paroxetine and 3mg lexotanil but I feel disappointed..and afcourse I push myself I don't stay at home I go at work takeing care of my 4 old son, my husband but this thoughts are driving me crazy.. my doctor is telling me that I need to take my full dose of 20mg paroxetine and 9 mg lexotanil but I am afraid cause later I'll want to have and another child.. how I will cut the medicines..and from that point I came to conclusion that I am going crazy cause I am not sick but I am sick in my mind ,😂😥 I have successfull life all ok but I say..Beta if you can't control this fear you are crazy and this scares me the most I constantly checking my thoughts my feelings to see if I am crazy or not..but I am tired...

Linnea1 profile image
Linnea1 in reply to Eli1985

In general, taking SSRIs (the class of antidepressant Paroxetine belongs to) is considered safe during pregnancy...except for Paroxetine, which seems to carry a very small risk of fetal heart defect (I looked this up). In your case, then, your doctor might want you to switch to another SSRI several months before trying for another child. If you just try to go off your Paroxetine without replacing it, do not go cold turkey. I ran out of meds with no insurance or doctor in my new city and took my last pill, thinking that's that. I had 4 months of side effects, which impacted my life pretty heavily. It was hell. Anyways, I don't think you're crazy, but you're probably low on energy, sleep, and some good R&R. Try to give yourself a "vacation" from these thoughts. Challenge yourself to spend a couple hours with your family, a good book, a funny movie, etc., and, when one of those thoughts creeps in, override it with a happy thought or memory. If you can go a couple of hours, increase it next time. Just push those thoughts away. Tell them to leave your head and you will not give them any more of your time or energy. Are you seeing a good therapist?

Eli1985 profile image
Eli1985 in reply to Linnea1

Thank you very much for your answer..I am only on medicines I am not seeing therapist because my husband says it doesn't need me..he says I am too smart for that but I think I need one..also I am takeing care for my mother in law she had a stroke..I don't know what to say..I tried to take smaller dose of paroxetine from 15mg to make it 12,5 but for 4 days and after that again the same fears..fear from panic attack..fear from going outside..fear from sickness..fear from dead..fear to don't go crazy.. these are all my fears.. Don't know how this monster of thoughts came to my mind

Giorgos1973 profile image
Giorgos1973 in reply to Eli1985

me my wife when she was pregnant was taking ladose the psychiatrist said that there is no problem the gynecologist reacted a little finally did not stop it we had no problem with our child now he is 7 years old everything is fine the wife continues the treatment with ladose and the last 4 years add and traxede 10 mlg 5 in the morning and 5 in the evening is very good she says as for traxede she says it is her favorite pill she likes to be well

Eli1985 profile image
Eli1985 in reply to Giorgos1973

Thank you Giorgo this is giving me hope..I couldn't take Ladose it made me much more nervous and after we stopped it and i took paroxetine.. whatever..I was disappointed cause I was takeing medicines..but I see I am not alone thank you for giving me hope God bless you

Bluetj profile image

Hello Eli1985, I can very much relate & have had plenty of hospital bills to show for it. I was constantly running to ER because I was always thinking I was dying. It first began in 1994 I think for about a year or two. I made up my mind to walk in faith that I was healed. It went away until 2016, it returned with a vengeance. I've been in a behavioral health facility twice as well. I finally made up my mind if its going to happen there is really nothing no one can do to stop it. We r born with a designated time to leave. Am I still fearful of it? Yes. Do I try to accept it & move on? Yes. Do I run to the hospital still? So far, no. All I can say is I understand & am here for u. I know its really hard, walk n faith & trust n your healing. BIG hug 🤗🙏🏾

Eli1985 profile image
Eli1985 in reply to Bluetj

Thank you very much 🤗 I am fighting every day with this..I don't go to hospital cause I am ashamed..I am trying to get over this and your support means a lot to me

Yes, I just had a full blown panic attack because of that crippling fear. I had to sit down, count my thoughts, recognize what was happening and then I started coloring to distract my mind. I don’t know how it started, but I’m glad it’s over...for now

Eli1985 profile image
Eli1985 in reply to

I just couldn't control that and I started SSRI ,😣

shodan95 profile image

I used to be like that too and still sometimes struggle with it. For me, I used to be terrified of getting an STD because I watched my uncle die from AIDS when I was a kid in the 90s. It ruined a lot of my relationships as a young person for obvious reasons. What helped me kind of deal with it and start "living a little" is realizing that the point of good health is to be able to live a good life. If I was going to protect health at the cost of never experiencing meaningful connections, then what's the point of being healthy? if I was going to be too afraid to sit on a chair at a movie theater for fear there was a needle with HIV in the chair, then what's the point of having friends who invite me out? I guess my advice to you or anymore struggling with irrational fears surrounding being or getting sick is maybe making a list of all the things those fears are costing you. Then ask yourself if it's worth holding onto those fears any longer. Accept that you may get sick one day. We all run that risk simply by being alive. That's kind of the point of each day. Enjoying good health while you have it and knowing you can reflect on the good days if you do get sick.

isin13955 profile image

With all the media stimulation going on at the moment it wouldn’t surprise if half the world’s population felt like you do. If you’re not actually caught up in a war or dying from poverty or some horrible disease your watching and reading about people who are. These are not healthy times.

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