Let me start out by saying how hard doing this is going to be for me. I have problems opening up to others but i've come to a point where i *need* to open up to others before it is too late.
I am currently struggling in my day to day life. My job was off due to Covid, but now they have made us come back even though we are closed. I walk in in the morning and i am trying to be in a good mood. That lasts until i see my first coworker. Then my mood is shot for the day.
I walk around my job, aimless, trying to feel normal. Everyone else is moving about so i have to as well, right? I get anxiety attacks while im at work that cause me to go and hide from everyone. I want to be alone, but i need to be around others to be "normal". I will never be normal but i need to try.
The people saying things drive me insane, and it is not the people that are there, it is the people that are not there. I can never understand them but they always whisper. Every. Single. Day. They do not go away.
Then there are the movements in the corner of my eyes. Like someone is following me. But when i turn around there is nobody there.
I go home each night, more drained than the last. Each night i secretly hope i just don't wake, as the misery would finally have an end. But i wake each day and fight the same fight.
I'm not sure what to even do anymore...