Feeling sad and lonely. I feel like there's no sense of family where Im from. I dont know how to talk to anyone or reach out. I feel a burden for feeling so lonely and in need of closeness. I wish I could feel I belong or could just ring someone and talk to someone but I feel so overwhelmed by guilt at feeling so in need of another human being. Does anyone understand or feel the same? It would be nice to know Im not alone.
New here: Feeling sad and lonely. I... - Anxiety and Depre...
New here
I feel the same way, and if you look hard enough you will find countless others who do as well.
There are two things that I'm still figuring out and that I want you to know.
1. Human connection and stimulation is needed. Don't feel guilty for something that everyone needs and that you can't control. There isn't one person on earth whose never needed someone else.
2. You are not a burden, you don't have to be afraid to speak about what's wrong with you. Even if you can't reach out to family or friends, you posted this because you want help and you need to be heard. I applaud you for that.
You are not alone.
Thank you for those words. They are comforting. I think I will save them.
Hi! I am 100% reliant on others for my happiness. My boyfriend broke up with me 6 weeks ago and it has been SO HARD. Especially during these crazy times when you should limit who you see and where you go.
I never talk to my friends or family about what I’m going through. I also feel like a burden. This place is great to talk and vent about anything. We all have such similar situations and everyone is so willing to help!
If you ever wanna chat privately you can message me.. you will never be a burden because I, like you, need/want someone to talk to. 💜
Thank you, thats comforting to read too. I think theres something so wrong that we can feel so much of a burden for something so natural. Its so sad. Im from England and there has been no sense of family in my life. Its as though Ive been raised to see it as shameful to have a vulnerability for needing others. Are you from England too? Im wondering if its our culture or not? It all feels so very repressed here. I was raised by my dad and my mum left when I young. All my aunts and uncles and even my dad were addicta of some kind though. All the emotional distance I think has had a big affect on me.
Im really sorry about you breaking up with your boyfriend. Yea youre not a burden too. I accept people as they are. I actually really like it when people show their vulnerabilities and arent so reserved. In a weird way it makes me feel safe. Im just really muddled up though so although I accept people Im not really a great dependable friend. But yeah message me too if you want 😊

Wow this is terrible- soo sorry you feel this it is totally more than normal for us as humans to need love care and all I know we were created this way with this need!!! why are people such a mess???? 😭 so sad!!! I’m going through painful tough times myself with family that are also a mess!!! They think they are doing soo well but they are also lacking in care, love, kindness and compassion!!!! Without these things you are missing everything the rest isn’t worth much the Bible says this even that without love you are nothing meaning if you can’t show& give love it’s empty meaningless!!! So I will learn that this is not how I want to be I want to be loving and show love best of my abilities! I hope you find some comfort and care you need here from the msgs and know others will care!!!💞💕💗💓💖❣️I need the same you are not alone💞💞🌻🌸🦋
Im so sorry you are experiencing so much pain and neglect right now. I understand what you mean and I know it can feel even lonelier around people who dont have the qualities we need. I believe in the Bible too (well Im learning about it). I agree that the quality that we should have the most is love. Thank you for reminding me of that passage (I know the one you mean). You are a very strong person to still want to love so much even though you feel youre not getting it. I know its hard. You have alot of goodness to you to want to be that sort of person. 💙💚💛💜💙💚💛💜

Thank you it means a lot!!! You sound like an awesome person and have a lot of goodness as well💞💞💙💙💓❣️
Thank you 😊

You’re welcome!! I’ve been soo down lately and dealing with a health issue that my brain feels so scattered and not focused I just now was told I missed an appointment that was scheduled that I needed so now I feel horrible about that😫😭
Its so hard to function when we are so low. Please dont be hard on yourself. Im sure you wouldnt have missed your appointment if you could have gone. Its just sometimes we arent well and our brains dont tell us our bodies to do the things we need them too. Its ok. Please take one day at a time. Youre doing well to function and look after your mum despite being in pain.

Thank you- 💓I try she’s been doing way better than me lately- but for some reason now just soo having anger episodes!!?? Maybe her medications? But it’s painful she’s very mean and hurtful towards me! I never feel enough in her eyes!💔
Im really sorry to hear that. I was raised by my alcoholic dad and he was really mean too. I really understand. Stay strong hurtingheart. There are always people that will appreciate your kind and loving personality even if its not the ones closest to you. One day, hopefully your mum will look back on all the good you did for her and really appreciate it.

I am not, I am from New York. My mom and grandma are alcoholics but I have a great relationship with my family. It’s weird how we can calm come from different places, different backgrounds and yet feel the same.
Very true kv3011. Thank you. I will try remember that we all have the potential to feel the same pain regardless of our experiences. Its good to be reminded that we are all equally vulnerable and in need.
Welcome, of Course you’re Not alone it just feels like it. I’ve been quarantine for several months. I go out once a week for groceries. My daughter and grandson live with me even with them it’s been suggested I wear a mask around them to be on the Safe side. So feel Free to come here if you Need to vent🙏😷
Thank you 🙂
Hi! You are not alone......I feel lonely too and like to be near other people when I’m anxious. My family is not warm and cuddly, so I have to find this outside my home.
I give myself hugs & it feels good.
I hope things turn around for you soon. Take care
Thank you for your honest comment. Im sorry you dont have the warmth you need at home. Its comforting to know you understand
Your definitely not alone!!! I feel I don’t belong anywhere except my aa meetings. Loneliness is awful, then we get caught in our heads. Exercising is helpful and my dogs! Lol
I get the “ poor me” too often!!!! Message me anytime to chat!!!! 🤗
Thank you, I need to try remember to exercise more.
You definitely not alone. I see myself in every single word everybody said. I have three children, busy with their own life, If open my mouth I moan, so I avoid opening my mouth Not to be a burden. And I even have husband, physically present But absent in every other way, he behaves like a logger. I am often angry at myself for needing people to talk to or to feel happy and not being able to be self sufficient.
You are not alone!
Your strong and kind because you have
chosen love, care and Kindness, this is What it’s called to be a humain being.
Take care
Thank you for your open, honest and kind words. You're not a burden. You are a human being with feelings and emotional needs. You arent a robot designed just to be productive. Its ok to want someone just to listen to you. Its just people arent often in touch with their own emotions to provide that. They are the ones with the problem, not you. Its ok to feel tired and pain.
Big hugs back
Wow. I feel the same and I’m so glad you wrote because the replies you got helped me too. I am the loving and kind one in the family always being so compassionate towards others but my father and brother are very cold and distant so even though I keep trying I always get hurt. At my mothers wake we did not hug or even stand near each other like most. I mean we care but to show emotion was never encouraged in our family. I have an aunt I love so much and almost called her the other day but feel guilty too from needing someone. Just wanted to let you know I get it! 😀
People have lost the ability to be sympathetic and have true empathy. It’s making life so hard, right?
Cuddly-bear hope you get my msgs back! I love all the comments here I just wanna give/send hugs to you all!!((((((((hugs))))))))
Not that I want anyone else feeling these things but I appreciate the sharing and caring kind truthful words!!!!❤️❤️❤️❣️❣️❣️💞💞💞💞