So, I'm going on out a limb here posting this tonight. All of my instinct tells me not to post anything for the usual fears. I've been keeping all of my depression and anxiety to myself for so many god awful years, I can't talk to anyone in my life. Everyone knows I'm not ok, but if I open my mouth to talk, nothing comes out. Anymore it feels like I physically cannot do it. Every day is such a struggle to get through between depression and anxiety. I am anxious every second I am awake. Every day I struggle to make basic decisions (e.g. dinner) and panic over every one. I struggle to focus on anything I need to do. I've even lost dramatic interest in things I used to love.
I know, it's just the usual symptoms of depression. I tell myself it doesn't make me a special snowflake. I feel so much guilt sitting here typing this dumping this crap on the internet. But I sit here in such extreme pain. And it looks like my relationship of 2 years is ending due to my inability to move forward with him. I'm tired of apologizing and not feeling good enough. I'm tired of feeling so much guilt over every little thing. I'm tired of not caring about myself to move forward with anything. I'm sorry for dumping this post on everyone. I want help but I'm too terrified to pick up the phone and reach out. I feel so stuck and lost. I honestly don't even know who I am anymore, and it all scares me.
I guess I was just desperate for someone, anyone, to listen tonight. I hope others are fairing better.