Hi I'm just looking for a little interaction. feeling lonely today. So how was your day and how are you feeling? My day went ok and I feel ok besides being lonely. I feel like I post here everyday, but it makes me feel better when someone answers. so hopefully a lot of you can "talk" to me.
Hi how was your day?: Hi I'm just... - Anxiety and Depre...
Hi how was your day?

Hey Love! It's lunchtime here in Los Angeles and so far so good. A little foggy / dizzy - but that seems to be my normal in the mornings these days.
Hi Jay It's nice and sunny here in massachusetts except it's still cold out. spring has not sprung yet...
srry just realized you were saying you felt a little foggy/dizzy. didn't read it right.
We had a little heatwave last weekend - upper eighties- and I hated it. I don't like heat at all. Should be cooling down again though.
Move to Canada, we only have that problem for 5 weeks a year. If we're lucky.
Had a lonely day also but they're all like that for me. No family, few friends around. Makes my anxiety bad when I just sit around, you think too much. Many times I can't tell if I'm depressed, anxious, or just bored. Makes for long days, I try to think of things to do but I draw a blank. It's nice to talk on this sight. Hope this helps.
Hi Kate, I'm in the same boat. never know what to do with my day. Anxiety is always taking control. I hope tomorrow is a better day. thanks for responding
Hi, I’m the same way, my anxiety has been really bad these last few weeks. Which is weird, becysss spring is finally on its way (I’m in Michigan) but maybe the changing seasons actually plays a part? I’m kinda new to exploring my own mental health lol. I also spend too much time worrying/thinking about my own anxiety, and that makes it worse of course. Often lately I feel scared and lost, and I too don’t have many people I can talk to regularly, besides my partner (and I’ll never know how I earned THAT bright part of my life).
At least it’s sunny out, that part is nice. I hope you guys feel better soon too. I myself am waiting for my next therapy session (tomorrow) and right now I feel like blabbering at him like a crazy person -_-
Hi Strebbs, spring is almost here! I have to wait until friday for my next therapy session. going to be a long week.
Aw, I’m sorry, you can make it! I’ve been thinking about bringing more people into my life lately, real human contact is something I typically avoid, but I’m trying to change that.
I’m considering looking for in-person support groups in my area. But anxiety makes certain things seem just about impossible. I’m kinda torn between feeling awful at home becusss I rarely feel like I’m doing anything worthwhile, and at the same time afraid and unsure about getting out and doing “more”. My brain makes it seem like I’m just swept along sometimes, never doing the “right” things.
My day started badly as I woke with bad anxiety and felt fearful....I’m in the U.K. so that was a few hours ago, it’s 8.30pm evening now.
As the day went on the anxiety subsided somewhat and I was able to get ready and go out for coffee, it helped to go out but I still felt a bit disconnected ....I’m feeling not as bad this evening ...
Tomorrow is a new day and I’m hoping we all feel peace....
Take care 🌺🌺🌺
Hello there, my name is Mary Jo but I go by Jo. My day is going well. No depression and no anxiety over anything. Let me tell you that’s weird. Usually I’m depressed in some kind of fashion. I’ve had a long stretch with good moods. I hope you are feeling the same. I’m so sorry that you are lonely. What helps when you feel this way? I love talking to people and I’m always a good listener. Keep in touch. God bless you my friend.
hi Jo I just try to get people to respond to my posts or sometimes i'll call my sister. she's not available right now so here I am posting. I'm feeling ok for a change, only a little anxiety which is really good for me. This morning was another story though. Thank you for responding....
No problem. What happened this morning? Was it your anxiety? I hope not.
anxiety was through the roof. I didn't sleep very good last night which seems to be happening a lot lately. I had to go to the drs and I was really nervous about going. I just can't believe how anxiety has takenover my life. I was fine in october now I'm just a total wreck. never had a problem with it or at least never anything like this. It is the center of my world now. I'm super sensitive to everything too which drives me and eveyone around me crazy.
Have you ever read anything by Claire Weeks? She was a dr in Australia that also had anxiety and panic and teaches others how to live with it. Her technique and her positive motivation is very healing. Look for her on YouTube. Also Louise Hay is a very positive person that teaches you to love and care for yourself with affirmations that turn negative vibes around. Both are truly soothing to listen to. Friends are hard to come by when we are stuck in our heads with anxious feelings, but work at joining a group or find a church that you like and help out there. Both good places to make friends. It’s hard I know to step out of our safe zone, but practice getting out and reward baby steps. You have support here, know that 😊.
Oh yes love!!! Was the first to conduct the research on cognitive behavioral therapy. I can get you that link, and you can check her out yourself.
good morning Hope, I have heard of Claire Weekes. I got her book Hope and Help for your nerves. A lot of good information. I have been looking for the video on you tube. Louise Hay is new to me, I will have to look into that one. Thanks for the info. Hope your having a good day.
Hi purl, it's a nice day here in Cali. I woke up in a decent mood today so decided to give myself a day off from my everyday responsibilities. That took some stress off so I'm feeling good now and still managed to get some stuff done anyway.
I know what it's like to not have anyone to talk to. Even a "how was your day" makes a big difference so thank you for asking. I hope you're not feeling so lonely anymore, if so I'm still here to talk if you want.
HI Sasha thanks for responding. It makes me feel so much better hearing from everyone. It was a rough morning for me as far as anxiety goes and I'm a lot calmer now so contact is what I need. It's cold, but sunny here in Massachusetts. Been a long winter.
Well I'm glad you got to calm down some. Did you do anything to distract you or help? Or did you just go through the motions and let it pass? I suffer more from depression than anxiety, but sometimes when I don't get enough sleep or know I have a stressful day ahead, I wake up to anxiety knocking on my door. And I am NOT a morning person so it isn't pretty lol
I had a better day than usual. I had a really good conversation with my father (I posted about that.) I applied for some jobs, and had a phone interview. Then, I got some boxes and tape and started going through the junk in my apartment, getting ready for my move.
That's great Kat, it sounds like your getting things done. I'm not to that point yet. I tried going through some stuff but I just seem to lose interest. I'm waiting for spring so I can get outside and do some gardening. gotta wait about another month...
It wasn’t a totally perfect day. I had a minor panic attack while I was out running errands. But I got through it OK. I kept telling myself, “This is a panic attack. This is anxiety. It’s only a feeling.” Naming it seemed to help me feel calmer.
Well here in Colorado it is nice and sunny finally melting the snow away, hope you have a wonderful day.
I can relate, I tried to describe my days to someone once and that was the best I had. I feel alone. I don't want to feel alone but I am. I hope your day's stay good and less alone. I guess I'm here trying to figure how to get to that pace. How long have you been part of this? Just signed up today, not sure what to expect.
Hi friend! I’m actually having a pretty horrible day, that’s how I landed on here - it’s my first day. Hoping that I’ll get some feedback and things will start looking up. Hope things are looking up for you as well.
Hello, purl1--I am tired, but hoping to get more done, tomorrow...the last of our snow dunes are finally going away, leaving behind a boatload of leaves on the lawn and in the gutter...much cleaning, tomorrow. Also, the sprinkler system people are coming early, so must show them where our pipe broke in the garage, plus the electrical line they cut through (oops!) moving a fruit tree into our garden, last November. I am just so pumped to see sunshine and blue skies, again! :>)
I have a lot of recycling to do, too...towards the end of the week, I am leaving on a trip...pets will be covered while I am gone, but I always worry...still, I am looking forward to it!
Hope you are feeling good and are able to start enjoying spring, too!! :>) Blessings!
Imagines with my happy childhood play in front of my eyes. When time passed and I grew up I was more and more unhappy, with physical manifestation of depression and anxiety. Today I'm lost in this life, feeling that I missed somewhere in the road of life my purpose in this life.
I am well. Everyone needs a little interaction with others to keep on going. Loneliness is no fun. Keep up the chatting. It is the strength that we as humans need to lift us up.
How are you today! Thanks for asking. Yesterday was very non productive for me. Hoping for a better day today.
Hi!!! My day started a little rocky, but after posting and seeing all the wonderful and kind words helped improve my day🌞🌞🌞!!!
I understand how you feel my day is good so far I hope it stays that way I think I am going out with some friends so that should be nice well I hope you have a good day take care of number 1 today that is you when you can do that it gets a little easy to go from day to day some one told me that and do 1 thing at a time and take some time out for you..
Hi, it’s only the beginning of my day and to be honest it sucks, my boyfriend broke up with me... over text and I almost killed myself last night after he did. I haven’t felt this alone for months, at least when I was feeling like this I could go to him but now I feel like I have no one.
Not bad yesterday. Did not want to go to work but went. Better today.
Going well I made it to the gym which always helps. 👍🏼
Hi, purl,
I have not been on here for a couple of days. I hope you are feeling less lonely today and the sun is shining in your part of the world. It is a beautiful day here today. I am going to have to go out in a bit and do some shoveling so I can get a drainage ditch going for all this melting snow can run down to the drain pipe. Do you have any hobbies or things that you like to do?
Hello Purl !
My day was a bit depressing honestly, but it’ll hopefully be better tomorrow.
I understand your sense of loneliness, I sometimes feel that as well. This is a bit random but what’s your most favorite dessert ?
Hi, well my days are the same everyday. Ups and downs. I tend to keep to myself a lot . i feel un apreciated. I wonder what is really my pupose on this earth. Just ti do shit for people.
Hi Clue, sorry to hear your day was not the greatest. as for your purpose, right now your purpose was to let me know I'm not alone. It may be small but it means a lot to me.
your wondering serves a purpose...everything has its purpose..we dont have to know everything though..but just know you are perfect just the way you are..
Hi, hope you are feeling a little less lonely today; how has your day been today? Sending you positive thoughts x
I’m really glad to hear you feel a little better and it’s always good to reach out when we feel a little lonely so keep doing it I had a good day thank you, hoping tomorrow is the same x
in regards to lonliness, i like to see the positive out of it and take advantage of it...how are you?
still a little lonely. my husband is getting ready for work so I will be alone for the night. My days are starting to get boring again. I need to figure something out. this has def. helped me so much. I'm glad I asked for some help.
good on you..
Hello from Alabama. The weather is going crazy here. 70 one day and had a freeze warning last night. I’m ready for warm wet so it might elavate my mood. Besides that I’ve been struggling the last couple of days my self. Hang in there. TTYL
Hi there my day was okay..my back hurts my job was ok ..glad the sun is shining...what makes u happy?
Hey there, my day was ok. I went and had coffee with a sweet old lady from church at a local coffee shop/bar. I’ve been going to group therapy at a local hospital and it’s been helping me. I go tomorrow morning. Still been feeling anxious and depressed, but not as much as I usually do. I also just got a new job but I’m really really nervous about it.
Glad to read this and see that you had a better day today. I love the garden too and am looking forward to spring. Started some seeds this past weekend. Gonna watch ‘this is us’ in a little bit. Posting and reading here helps keep me from getting too caught up in my own anxious feelings even thought I try and accept them. I still hate them.
This was a nice post to read through. thanks.
Hi purl, or whoever reads this
The weather was fantastick today, sun out and a cool breez.
Had a crawing so i went out to buy muffins
Im also struggeling with lonelyness so its really great to just do some cassual chit chat.
Have a nice day
I'm sorry you were feeling lonely, purl1, but I'm grateful that you wrote about it, and I hope all the responses you've gotten have lifted your spirits somewhat. Today I did 45 minutes on the exercise cycle at the gym this morning (doctor's orders). I think this is supposed to ease depression; I've only been doing it for a few days and am not yet seeing the benefits. (Nevertheless, she persisted - and will continue to persist.) Today I also began working with a new therapist; I'm hoping she'll be willing and able to address my experience of having been separated from my parents and institutionalized in infancy. Although I'm blessed with good friends, I almost always feel lonely.
I hope you had a great day. There is always something new to explore. 🥰 Speak to yourself only as if you were speaking to someone you adore and love unconditionally. Be well.❤️
I know how you feel, I live alone, no family around and only 2 friends I can talk to and one lives 80 miles away. Makes for long boring days. My puppy dog keeps me company but that only goes so far. I also have a health issue I'm dealing with, nothing bad but I'm such a hypochondriac. I try to just stay focused on one day at a time. Not easy.
My day isn’t great. I’ve been working a lot and the extra stress and exhaustion are wrecking havoc with my anxiety and depression. I feel lonely today too so thank you for this. I hope your day has improved some and just like everybody else on here, you’re welcome to message me more directly if you ever want to talk. 🙂
Hi faulhallen, today my anxiety seems to be getting the better of me. Not sure what's going on. I just seem out of it today.
I’m so sorry to hear that 😞. Has something changed in your life or do you think you’re just going through a bit of a rough patch?
nothing has changed recently. I was just talking on another post and someone had said it could have been brought on because I was getting my hair done and I couldn't leave so I felt trapped. which makes a lot of sense. I also think my meds need to be adjusted.
Today,or everyday, I feel depressed, bored and tired. It is hard for me to enjoy the life.