Hey! so I'm probably going to have to go back to basics for someone to understand and hopefully help me out...
So i'm a student paramedic, and before this course I was at college studying a 'access to higher education' diploma (which was September 2018)... whilst at college I started to get this feeling, of being overwhelmed, and nervous all the time. Some mornings I would wake up and not know how to feel, and sometime even feel like I didn't know if I was coming or going [a bit all over the place I know]. I haven't been to my doctors or spoken to anyone about this, as i'm scared of what people will think. Being a student paramedic, people think we're complete tough cookies, but I feel like i'm really struggling at the moment (nothing to do with the course, but just in general, more like home life, which I think this is why I'm scared to talk to anyone about it). We unfortunately lost my uncle on the 30th January 2020, which this has made my feelings/ emotions spiral out of control [which doesn't help the situation].
How did other people go about talking to their doctor about it? [Should I even talk to my doctor about it? or see how I get on?] I feel like when I think about it, or want to go and speak to someone, I feel like i'm going to burst into tears, because of feeling overwhelmed. I just feel like I need to calm down, every single morning.
If someone could help, or give me a little bit of advice that would be great!