I have just been prescribed mirtazapine 15mg as just been diagnosed with anxiety and depression and was wondering if many of you have experienced the side effects of it.
Side effects of mirtazapine - Anxiety and Depre...
Side effects of mirtazapine

I was on it for over a year, it made me hungry and I gained weight, I am off of it now....Andria.....
Hi...I was on it for close to a year. Like Sprinkle1 said, it makes you hungry and gain weight. I was hungry all the time and tried eating healthy foods, but at some point I was just reaching for anything. It was effective, but after gaining more weight than my pants were comfortable with :)...I got off it. I tapered off and even after being off it, it took about 2 months before I felt like I was not hungry all the time. Lost all the weight I had gained but I have also been eating much better. If your weight is something you would struggle with mentally, there are better options out there that do not cause as much weight gain or any. I'm currently on Effexor (Venlafaxine) and have had no weight gain from it and its been helpful but it is a bitch to come off of. I'm likely going to be on another anti-depressant soon and looking into Trentillex as I heard good things about it, or Prozac.
Also I started at 15mg and at some point went to 30mg. At the 30mg, I felt emotionless and did not like that feeling at all. I would prefer to feel 'something' over nothing. So I dropped back down to 15mg and stayed there and it was effective enough for me at the time.
Good luck and keep up the fight!
It's fast acting but for me as I have other neurological problems it has become a problem medication. Be sure you have explored all other available options first as it is extremely difficult to get off this medication in my experience, not to mention the weight gain, increased anxiety in early treatment, tinitus, eye problems,,,,etc . Good luck
I've been on 15mg for nearly 6 weeks and I've put on nearly 2 stone, i also suffer with an eating disorder so this isn't a good option for me as that's now all I can think about. If you're worried about weight gain, I'd see about a different type as I am going to do.
I was on it for 3 or 4 months just to sleep then I came off as soon as my insomnia was resolved. It helped me sleep. But it increased my appetite. I gained more 10 pounds. It’s a good med but I don’t want to take it again since it’s not healthy to gain so much weight so quickly.