I don't want to do anything today. I am having a vary hard day with that dark feeling weighing me down. I don't know what to do. I hate this feeling. I need hope.
Struggling : I don't want to do... - Anxiety and Depre...

Looks like you did something today! You joined this group! I’ve found this to be very helpful site. Hopefully someone can offer you suggestions go get you motivated and lift the darkness. I know the feeling
My first name is Dakota, it means "friend" you have some here, hang in there, pain ends..
I understand how you are feeling my day is going the same way if you want to talk about it im here
What are your dark feelings about? It's okay to not feel like doing anything. Everybody who's had anxiety/depression on here knows that its sucks all your energy and makes it hard to do anything. It's a safe place here to speak about anything.
I just feel like what's the point anymore. I have been depressed and anxious for so long now. I haven't had a job for 2 years because of it and I feel like im never going to get better and have a normal life.
We are only here for a very short time. You can get better and live a happy life, it's possible and if you can overcome this you can inspire others and they can learn from you. You can help prevent the struggle of many others. Hold on to that hope brother.
I know how you feel. I am having a lot of bad days lately. Real bad shortness of breath, totally worn out and very tired although I haven't done anything except ride around because I'm so bored. Hope you feel better soon.
Yo I feel u. Sometimes I can’t even get out of bed. It’s possible. You will get through this
Some days will always be better than others. Given the circumstances of what's currently going on in the world, it's perfectly normal to be depressed at a time like this.
Having said that, we have to keep hope alive.
Talk with friends,family,therapist they will listen and help you. Maybe try some exercising or meditation. Best of luck and God bless You.
Hi!!! It’s ok not to want to do anything!!! I feel that way a lot! I have to push myself to do things. I exercise down my basement to videos. That has helped so much! Do you have a pet? They help me get out. It’s such a crappy time now and I think it’s making depression worse!!! Remember “ this to shall pass” hope you feel better! Your definitely not alone!